Short Summary:

Going back to work in person is a significant topic of discussion in the current landscape. With the pandemic having disrupted the traditional work structure, many businesses are contemplating whether or not to return to the traditional office-based work culture or continue with remote work. The decision has to take into account various factors such as employee productivity, communication, company culture, and the availability of technology to support remote work. Some businesses have opted for a hybrid work model, where employees work from the office for a certain period and the rest from home. Others have decided to return to a fully in-person work model, while others have decided to continue with remote work.

AI has had a significant effect on business, changing the way we work and interact with technology. The technology has enhanced the decision-making process, customer experience, and work efficiency. AI has been integrated into various business processes such as supply chain management, marketing, finance, and human resource management. For example, AI can help automate the recruitment process, identify the right candidates, and even schedule interviews. It can also help in forecasting sales, analyzing customer behavior, and identifying market trends.

In conclusion, as the world gradually moves towards the post-pandemic era, businesses will have to decide on the best work model to adopt. Whether in-person or remote, the decision must take into account the needs of the employees, company culture, and the availability of technology to support the chosen work model. Additionally, businesses will continue to leverage AI to enhance their processes, customer experience, and decision-making capabilities, further improving business outcomes.

Main Article:

This is an episode of the “Business Coaching Secrets” podcast hosted by RodeDog and featuring Karl Bryan. They discuss strategies for attracting high-end business coaching clients and building a successful coaching practice. They briefly mention a recent pre-show conversation that included hockey talk.

Karl Bryan and RodeDog are discussing the recent news about Microsoft investing over a billion dollars in Chat GPT for the Bing search engine. They also discuss the topic of people going back to work after the COVID-19 pandemic, with Karl mentioning that there will be a mix of remote and office work, and that companies are becoming more flexible with their staff. He also mentions that the productivity of remote workers has decreased due to various distractions and lack of discipline, but it will improve over time as people learn to manage working from home and teams become better at managing projects virtually.

Karl Bryan, believes that the media will steer the public in a direction that is profitable for them, regardless of the truth. They use examples of Prince Harry and the controversy surrounding his life and the media’s coverage of it. The speaker thinks that media driven stories are often sensationalized and not based on truth, and he personally does not follow these stories.Business Coaching Secrets Episode 190 - Going Back to Work In Person + AI's Great Effect on Business

They discuss the impact of AI on various industries. They believe AI will have a significant impact and that many jobs will disappear. They list several industries including accounting, finance, stock trading, fintech, healthcare, wellness wearables, cybersecurity, transportation, and customer service as being among those that will be most affected. They also mention that machine learning will continue to improve and will be used in a variety of areas, including frequently asked questions.

Karl also discusses the idea that “C” students often start successful companies, and hire “A” students to manage the “B” students. He emphasizes the importance of taking care of one’s health, including fasting once a month and avoiding dangerous activities such as driving long distances or choking. He suggests that focusing on one’s own health and energy levels, rather than worrying about things like artificial intelligence, is a better use of time and can lead to success in business and life. He also mentions his experiences boxing with a former professional boxer and talks about how pushing oneself physically can be good for the heart and lungs. He encourages people to focus on influencing others and themselves, rather than playing on sites like Robinhood.

He talks about the importance of focus on what you can control and avoiding things that can negatively impact your health. He emphasizes the importance of goals and suggests setting goals at different timescales, from one day to 25 years. He mentions that general health is important and can impact your ability to achieve your goals. He also mentions that health issues such as driving accidents are among the fourth highest causes of death.

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[00:00:02.730] – RodeDog

Welcome to business. Coaching Secrets with Karl Bryan. If you want to attract new high end coaching clients, fill live events, and build a wildly profitable coaching practice where business owners pay, stay and refer, you’ve come to the right place.

[00:00:21.410] – RodeDog

In this podcast, Karl provides his keys to the kingdom for finding and signing high paying clients and building the coaching business of your dreams.

[00:00:34.490] – RodeDog

Here we go.

[00:00:40.490] – RodeDog

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, coaches around the world, welcome to another episode of Business Coaching Secrets. It’s your boy, the RodeDog, with none other than the man, the myth, the legend, Karl Bryan.

[00:00:52.490] – RodeDog

Welcome back to the show. Big Shooter.

[00:00:55.160] – Karl Bryan

Yoyo yo RodeDog. How are you? Shoots. What’s happening? We just had a good pre show.

[00:01:00.010] – Karl Bryan


[00:01:01.330] – RodeDog

We did. We ran pretty long there. That’s good. Lots of hockey talk, lots of people taking action. There are lots going on. So there you go. I feel like we lose all of the American fans every time we start talking hockey. So I almost feel like we start talking NFL. There’s a real lack of Tom Brady talk and ugg from Karl Bryan lately. Not sure what that’s about, but there you go. Shoots.

[00:01:30.250] – Karl Bryan

He’s in the playoff. Shoots. I think that’s where they go.

[00:01:33.200] – Karl Bryan

I don’t even know what the record was, but eight and eight and they’re in the playoffs. And a home game, by the way.

[00:01:39.870] – Karl Bryan

He manages to get a home game.

[00:01:41.860] – RodeDog

But are they a threat? I don’t think so. I’m sorry. When you’re competing against Billy and the Chiefs and the Bills, forget about it. By the way, interesting, I’m not sure if you got this. So obviously with the Bills and everything happened to Hamlin there. So glad to hear that he’s doing better. Did you catch that in the interview? So he’s number three. It’s been three years and three months since they had a return off a kickoff for a touchdown in Buffalo. They threw for three touchdowns and they had three interceptions yesterday.

[00:02:21.850] – Karl Bryan

Nice. The heavens looking down on him.

[00:02:25.290] – Karl Bryan

That’s what was going on.

[00:02:26.940] – RodeDog

So crazy, dude. I love that sort of stuff. Listen, let’s jump right in because we got to get some questions here. But actually, before I go there, did I talk about the whole Chat GPT thing? And I talked about I never thought it could happen. Like the things that you don’t foresee come and we talked about that, right?

[00:02:51.110] – Karl Bryan

Last week, I believe it was.

[00:02:54.070] – RodeDog

So I got to send you this article. What you haven’t realized is that Microsoft has invested over a billion dollars in Chat GPT and is bringing it to Bing. Like this little useless search engine that hardly anyone uses is about to become a big threat to Google, which I’m not going to lie, I didn’t see that coming. But interesting how that’s all coming out now.

[00:03:23.010] – Karl Bryan

Just that macro level, I think that that’s understanding. And by the way, it could fall on its face and it could be, like you said, it could take Bing to new heights and legitimately create a competitor to Google, which as it stands now, they’re basically not, you know what I mean? But yeah, but from a macro level to know this sort of thing, I think you can pluck business owners ears up, which we’ve talked about a few times this year with those macro level concepts and I think the coaches should be aware.

[00:03:55.280] – Karl Bryan

So there you go. There you go. Shoot, that’s good.

[00:03:58.490] – RodeDog

Well, now, speaking of all these big companies, obviously a lot of layoffs are happening and also a lot of talk of like, hey, man, we need you back in the office. I can’t believe, quite honestly, that people are still working as much remotely. Is that still the loud as much as it is? But anyways, that being said, do you think that people will go back? What are your thoughts on all this? Because you’ve heard a lot of talk about it, just wanted to get your thoughts on that.

[00:04:29.030] – Karl Bryan

Yeah, but keep in mind that China, they just got out of lockdown, right? So again, when you look at different parts of the world, there’s a lot of going back to the office. And whatnot is absolutely it’s going back.

[00:04:43.390] – Karl Bryan

They’re talking about going back to work, right?

[00:04:47.530] – Karl Bryan

People are going back to the office. I think there’s going to be a percentage of people that will continue to work from home and others and super popular will be like a hybrid, I think, three days a week at the office and then two at home. Already well and truly happening in North America, smarter companies are going to adopt more flexibility with its staff, the folks that want to work out of a spare bedroom or a den. I also know a large percentage of people are not disciplined enough over the long haul to handle home offices and they’ll become less productive. Workforce and local businesses have felt that in a real and tangible way, like we’ve been less productive as a whole. Because remember, COVID started, right, and it was like, holy smokes, and everybody had their laptop underneath their arm and they were working diligently and trying to save the world when COVID hit the Netflix creeped in a little bit. Daily hours and more as we went on. So I also know that people will get better at managing working from home. Teams will get better at managing projects virtually. So again, you’ll get that thing where like machine learning, right?

[00:06:02.450] – Karl Bryan

People are going to we learn as we move along. We’ve got clients in 49 countries. We have 36 staff now and they’re in all corners of the world. We have nine staff in Africa, right? We were already set up virtual, so we were lucky, but most weren’t. And they’re learning and they’re getting better. And new tools like Slack, not that’s overly new or Zoom is overly new, but there are so many tools getting developed and adopted at higher rates that are going to make it more seamless and more to the point, make these companies more efficient, more productive. And that in a small business space. Ultimately, if you want to bring high end a player type staff in, you need to be able to create an environment at which they feel comfortable. And if like a higher level corporate. You got a young kid at home.

[00:07:04.300] – Karl Bryan

And you’ve got a high level corporate opportunity where you can work two to three days at home, and then you’ve got a small business trying to hire you for maybe a little bit more money and maybe a little bit more attractive of a job. But they expect you to be in the office. What do you think is going to happen? And I’ll tell you what’s going to happen. They’re going to choose that flexibility. So, yeah, again, the office depends on what we’re talking. Just, you know, the US talking.

[00:07:37.160] – Karl Bryan

North America talking globally. That conversation is well and truly happening. But yeah, that’s what I think. Think of a football team, RodeDog. A football team. There’s only so much you can do on zoom. You need to because, okay, so some are thinking that everything is just going to be virtual and nobody’s going to go back to the office to do to do to do. That’s absolutely not the case. And in fact, you talk to university students now, they want to go to an office, they want to rub shoulders. They just went through very different than us, where we’re well and truly past. All of that, like high school, university. Learning, university type stuff. Well, they were locked out of their. Classrooms, begging to get back. Right.

[00:08:24.140] – Karl Bryan

So again, they’ve got a very different mindset. But more to the point is a framework. And the way you’re thinking about it, think of a football team, a baseball team, a hockey team trying to train virtually. It’s just not you’re never going to be able to practice the plays. You’re never going to get the chemistry between the quarterback and the receivers. You’re never going to have those relationships build. If you see a team that wins the Super Bowl, see a team that wins the World Series, you see a team that wins the Stanley Cup, you’re going to have a family, not a team. Right?

[00:08:56.320] – Karl Bryan

So teams that they grow together, an unbelievable level that doesn’t happen the same over zoom. Not even close. You got to be toes to toes, knee to knees, belly to belly, face to face in order to build that relationship. So thinking about that from a work dynamic to say that you’re not going to bring people back into the office. I think that if you want to be competitive and do something big and do something special or do something in a really productive, efficient manner. I do think that there needs to be an element of that water cooler of those walking past one another in the hallway and just having those meetings that were impromptu, that weren’t scheduled, that all of a sudden something big comes up. But that being said, RodeDog, teams will get better at doing zoom, and teams will get better at being efficient and productive. I just said that a minute ago, virtually. But it’s one of those things where it’s going to happen over time, right? Like machine learning, artificial intelligence. It’s never as dumb as it is on day one, and it learns a little bit more.

[00:10:04.230] – Karl Bryan

It learns a little bit more.

[00:10:05.190] – Karl Bryan

It learns a little bit more through data. That’s the machine learning component to it the same thing with virtual workspace. So I think for everybody listening, RodeDog, what I’m trying to say there is that think of a professional sporting team, and yes, they could do 25. They could practice plays and they could understand plays and get to know the playbook via zoom and at home, but there’s no way that they’re going to be able to build chemistry and get to know their teammates. And you’re not going to have a team just show up on Sunday and be able to play without going through the plays shoulder to shoulder, eyes to eyes, belly to belly on a football field.

[00:10:49.390] – Karl Bryan

That’s my answer.

[00:10:50.370] – RodeDog

If it’s true for AI, is it true for you? Like, the next time I see you, you won’t be as dumb as the last time I saw you? Is that how that works?

[00:10:58.530] – Karl Bryan

I think I’m going the opposite sheets, unfortunately.

[00:11:00.840] – RodeDog

Okay. All right. I’ll kind of monitor that and track it and report it back to the folks. Listen, we just had somebody right in here that said, hey, what do you think the role will be? The media will play in what happens, this whole back to work and everything else play?

[00:11:15.750] – Karl Bryan

Yeah, the media the media is going to say what they want. They’re going to steer you in whatever direction they choose. Right.

[00:11:25.210] – Karl Bryan

If they want people back in the offices as an example, they have commercial real estate throwing advertising dollars at them. They are going to skew the news in one direction to fit the narrative. That’s more profitable for them. Right.

[00:11:41.430] – Karl Bryan

It’s like, don’t believe, you know, the clickbait, the SBF, FTX, crypto, it’s all over the news right now as we record. His girlfriend said this. His girlfriend said that she’s guilty of this. She said he’s guilty of that. I talked about that in the first podcast that I did this year when I did it on my own. And I’m like, look, this is what I believe, right? And I am not judge jury by any stretch of the imagination, but look, he’s guilty. He will go to jail because too many people want him in an orange jumpsuit. But I don’t think that he was fraudulent on purpose. He was worth $38 billion at the age of 30. And do you know how much has to go right in a row? Like everything you touch turns to gold kind of thing? Do you know how many things in a row have to go right in order to be worth $38 billion at the age of 30? So he just thought he could do no wrong. He just thought that everything was going to be fine, and as long as he kept making more money, making more money, making more money, making more money, making more money. Money solves problems, and it had solved all the problems to that point. Again, he’s giving out money to politicians and that sort of thing. Was it the Time Magazine Person of the Year, or no, actually, no, that’s not right. He was on the front of Forbes magazine, right? Like, pretty easy to think you’re untouchable. And by the way, he should have never done that interview. He’s obviously trying to win over the public because that’s something that’s stressing them out. That was not going to happen, and that interview was not going to do well for him. But the bottom line is that the media, they’re going to skew things. It’s Prince Harry, right? Now, remember before this whole the Prince Harry thing exiting the royal family, he was like, the coolest guy could do no wrong. He went off to battle, and now suddenly, he’s the worst person ever.

[00:13:42.340] – Karl Bryan

Right? When he was a kid, his mother was killed by the, her life was ruined. I don’t know. That’s my opinion. Right? I think you probably agree, right? Her life was ruined by the paparazzi. She could not move without them. She couldn’t go on a vacation. She couldn’t go to the mall with her kids kind of thing. She couldn’t do anything because of the paparazzi following her around. And then they killed her, right? And now he is married and has a child and a family of his own, and he’s trying to get his wife away from that, and somehow he’s a terrible human. It’s just media driven and just so much clickbait, it’s scary.

[00:14:28.380] – Karl Bryan

And of course, I don’t know, he’s doing some silly show. And should he do that? Probably not. But he’s also a little bit nervous that he’s going to have to fend for himself for the rest of his life.

[00:14:37.680] – Karl Bryan

And he’s never been responsible for $5, you know what I mean? And he’s married to a Hollywood actress. So if you go to a dentist, they want to pull a tooth. You go to a chiropractor, they want to crack your bat. You go to a surgeon, they want to cut you open. When you marry a Hollywood star, she wants to do a TV show. And that’s what he’s doing. Right? So is Prince Harry a bad guy, and is he no longer the coolest thing going? I don’t know. Prince Harry is Prince Harry, and the media just spin things, and I personally just think it’s brutal, and I cringe I follow exactly none of it.

[00:15:14.740] – Karl Bryan

Well, maybe that’s an exaggeration, because I just rattled on about it, but for the most part, I just I not watch. You know, I watched 15 minutes of the show I ain’t watching anymore. I’m not reading the articles. I don’t care what Prince Harry’s up to. I just feel for the guy big time. At the end of the day, he was a little boy whose mum died, and think of the PTSD and whatnot and the mental gymnastics required to go through life with that, and now he’s trying to get his wife away from it, and he’s a bad guy, and who’s he a bad guy? The media, that’s the paparazzi is the media, by the way, right?

[00:15:49.280] – Karl Bryan

So, RodeDog, intelligence is the ability to have conflicting views, right? So I can be pro vacs, but antivax passport, which would be my stand, right? Good, bad, and different. That’s just the way, that’s my opinion. Right? But a vax passport, I think, is ridiculous. But getting the vaccine back when we needed everybody to get the vaccine, I was, like, in favor of that. Or, like, devote Republican federally and then Democrat locally, right? Like, again, I know that’s a conflicting view, but most people wouldn’t do that, right? They identify as a Republican, they identify as a Democrat, and then that’s the way they vote. Right. It’s FTX thing. Right? Like, he should go to jail, but not guilty of intentional fraud. Right. What he did was fraudulent. I know a guy, RodeDog, you probably know this story, but I know a guy like, Johnny Utah and I were out. Look, basically, he killed his wife while his kids were asleep. He then called his brother and said basically just right after he killed his wife, he called the police himself. He called his brother, and, look, I just killed my wife. Can you come to my house immediately, and can you raise my kids for me?

[00:17:14.560] – Karl Bryan

Right. Three days prior to you and I went for a beer a few days ago, and he and I were talking about his wife and some of the horrible things that she was doing, right? And I feel bad for her. Like, she’s dead, right? Mother of two young kids is dead. I feel terrible, right? I feel terrible for the kids. Far worse for the kids now that they’re being raised by their uncle. And I also think that what the guy did was brutal and it’s unforgivable, but I can also see how he was not 100% at fault, as in, I see the situation in a multifaceted way, right? Like, most people will hear that a guy killed his wife and stabbed her, like, 25 times and just think that he’s Satan and that’s that, right? And and by the way, good on him, and I’m totally fine with that. But I believe that judgment is shallow, empathy is deep, and I try to have empathy and not judge, right. You know, like, look at a complicated situation holistically. And maybe that is on the dramatic side, but it’s not every day that you go have a beer with a guy three days before he goes and kills his wife, right?

[00:18:25.650] – Karl Bryan

Absolutely brutal. But again, I believe that intelligence is the ability to have conflicting views. And I’m sitting there looking at it, and I’m like, you know, gosh, you know what I mean?

[00:18:35.460] – Karl Bryan

Like, I know some of the things that, you know, happened, you know, and it’s it’s it’s not good. It’s not pretty. And the guy lost his, lost his, you know what, right? 80% of murders. The person doing the killing was intoxicated, right? So I just I just think that there’s power in that Rode Dog. You don’t want to be black and white when a client is dodging your calls. Are they not interested or are they busy? When someone doesn’t text you back, are they a jerk? Are they just doing their best and overwhelming their own world? Do they have their own private battle going on? When you try to sell coaching to somebody and you hit them with two grand a month, 24 grand a year, and it’s an unbelievable deal, and you used our software, you found them 100 grand in 45 minutes without them spending a dollar on marketing or advertising. If they say no, are they a terrible person? And then, by the way, if they say yes, are they suddenly absolutely magical, right? Like, you know what I mean? Like, just there’s actually a mental model for what I’m trying to describe here, and I can’t think of what it is, but the bottom line, intelligence is the ability to have conflicting views, seeing things from can I say this on a podcast recently?

[00:20:01.850] – Karl Bryan

So we had Christmas recently, right, and families around and surprise, surprise, politics come up, and you could probably guess some of the people that were mentioned, right? And I just said I saw it, and I’m like, Whoa, whoa, here’s the question. So somebody’s got an opinion on a specific politician, and I said, okay, so you are against this person. Would I be correct? They go, yes.

[00:20:33.740] – Karl Bryan

I go, can you argue for that person, and can you argue for and can you argue against, right? If you know anything about the debate team, right, a real debate coach will say, okay, you got a debate for the topic, and you got to debate against the topic, and now you’re ready for the debate, right? It was the same thing. And of course, this individual who I am closely related to couldn’t even see their way. They had absolutely no perspective from the other side. And I just said, you know what? Then there is no debate to go on, right, because you just can’t see the other side, so you’re not going to be persuaded in any way. So why should we have this conversation which is going to turn into ruining Christmas dinner or these few days pre and post Christmas that we can spend together and it just put an end to it all, right.

[00:21:31.210] – Karl Bryan

Did it in a joking way. It’s just like you’ve got to be able to see things.

[00:21:39.790] – Karl Bryan

I would encourage you to see things from both sides. I say to my daughter, again, she’s nine years old and she’s a nine year old little girl. She tends to go up and she tends to go down, which may or may not reflect the number of hours that she slept, whether it’s a weekend or not, or if she had too much candy and if she’s eaten enough, right. A little bit hungry. But I just tried to say to her in a delicate way as best I can and I am so far from perfect, it’s scary. But like, baby, never two up, never two down, right? Let’s try and stay here. And then, by the way, do I expect her to listen to of course. What do you think? She rolls her eyes and all of daddy. But if I keep saying it keeps saying it keeps saying it keeps saying it keeps saying in a light hearted, non judgmental or non demanding kind of way, do you know what I mean? Because probably do the opposite. Right. I think that that’s going to work significantly better in the right direction anyways. But never two up and never two down. Shoots. That is my answer. That was about media. But anyways, that’s my answer. Shoots.

[00:22:59.530] – RodeDog

So if this is the first time you’re ever listening right there, classic case study of a Karl Bryan rabbit hole, like times a million right there, folks. We started with media. He’s talking about somebody murdering his wife and then does a pivot to somebody not texting you back. That my friends. I don’t know, dude, you are magical at times. And that was a magical moment. And we all got to experience what really goes on in the mind of yours. By the way, you’re talking about some guys. Should I be texting Tammy to maybe check into a hotel for a few days or I’m a little concerned here shoots.

[00:23:48.250] – Karl Bryan

What’s hard telling you? RodeDog and I man, sorry, Johnny Utah and  I, know he was staying at Johnny Utah’s house, man. Telling you. Yeah, true story, man. In Saskatchewan. Look it up. Well and truly.

[00:24:04.670] – RodeDog

That is a scary thing. But anyway, to bring this back onto the rails again, let’s talk about change AI industries. I’m really curious what industries you see being affected the most by AI and then sort of maybe trying to tie in. I guess this would be good for business coaches to know, right? Like a from that macro level, as you always say, right? Sounding intelligent and everything else. But I just wonder because we typed on the pre show, one of the guys was talking about, which I thought was brilliant, running the actual software that you provide on his own business, by the way, how many people are actually doing that, right? Not just they’re doing what they preach. That’s sort of almost unique in a way. But anyways, from that perspective, I just wonder being able to go into industries that are going to be most affected because they’re going to need some help. So let me back that up. What industries do you see being most affected by AI?

[00:25:15.750] – Karl Bryan

I think it’s a good question.

[00:25:17.000] – Karl Bryan

It’s obviously to say it’s a hot topic is understatement of the year. It’s going to be a disruptor on steroids. Many industries, they’re going to be broken up. Jobs are going to disappear overnight. Like what CDs did to vinyl records. That is going to happen. RodeDog can you hear me? Be good.

[00:25:45.340] – RodeDog

Yes, I can. Sorry. I literally just had to jump across the room.

[00:25:48.130] – Karl Bryan

Yeah, sorry. That’s cool. So, yeah, many like yeah, things are going to be broken up. Just think like chess, right? Do you want to be the computer or do you want to be the human? Okay. We know that the computer wins 90% of the time. And of course you’re a chess master. Maybe you can slide through. But at the end of the day, I’m taking the computer all day long and twice on Sunday. Or like a self driving car versus somebody, something driven by one of us. Self driving all day long, twice on Sunday. Industries, I don’t know. Industries like accounting. I know that’s accounting and bookkeeping going to be disrupted. Finance, stock, trading, fintech. Again, I think those that’s kind of well documented. I mean, healthcare, wellness wearables, like Apple Watch and what’s called the aura ring, which manages your sleep and your heartbeat and that sort of thing, they’re going to have predictive analytics, right, to determine what could go wrong. Is your body temperature up when you’re sleeping? Is your heart rate down? You know what I mean? Is your heart rate coming down to not manageable, but the right heartbeat for you, what’s going wrong?

[00:27:08.770] – Karl Bryan

And then there’s cybersecurity, like on the back of health care. Same sort of thing, but like health for your computer. Predictive analytics of data and trends that they see. They’re going to be able to see that, look, there’s somebody trying to break in. Think of like what happened in 911 that was happening on a computer. You’d see like, hey, there’s something happening, there’s something happening, there’s something happening. All this doesn’t add up. And then that you would know that you’ve got to step in and all of a sudden there’s potentially a strike coming, right? So like predictive analytics, transportation, again, I think that’s been done to death. Like self driving cars and automated, they’re going to have self driving trucks and then there’s going to be a robot in the back. Or think of like a front end loader kind of bobcat kind of what am I trying to say? Like the thing that’s going to grab the pallets and steer them away, that’s going to be all automated and it’s going to be all ready to go in the back of the truck or waiting for the truck. So transportation right now, that’s all done manually.

[00:28:14.500] – Karl Bryan

There’s just no way that that is not taken over by robots and self driving cars. RodeDog sent me a text last week when we were talking about robots and I said dolls instead of robots. But anyways, let’s continue. I don’t know. Look, predictive analytics are going to help in a variety, think inventory, right? Like so anything that involves inventory, logistics and robots are going to manage that kind of thing at a significantly better level than a manager, like a general manager ever going to do in a factory, right? Customer service, think again. Machine learning. They will start to better understand. There’s going to be frequently again machine learning AI. The machine learning is more data, more data, more data, more data. And then it gets a compounding hopkisticlike effect where it learns and learns and learns and learns it learns. So all the frequently, you know, the frequently asked questions and then of course the frequently needed answers, that is going to be done by, that’s going to be done by computers and robots for sure, which balls into AI. And then anything out outside of a frequently asked Q and A, right? It’s think 80 20.

[00:29:44.650] – Karl Bryan

Like the 20% is going to be sent to a live operator. But the computer, it’s going to start with the robot and the AI. And then when they can’t answer and they’re going to know when they can’t answer, they can’t solve the problem. They’re going to a live operator, right? Marketing has taken the writing of the ads, the tracking of the ads, tracking of the ad stats, deciding where the ads should go and where they’re working best. Imagine artificial intelligence doing that instead of an advertising agency. They’re going to be doing way better. And you’re starting to see this now if your Facebook feed looks anything like my Facebook feed, I mean, this thing is starting to happen and it’s going to get a little bit better, a little bit better, a little bit better, a little bit better, a little bit better. Compounding hockey stick type growth and it’s going to be unbelievable. So it’s affecting marketing well and truly. So then I think you got to ask the question, RodeDog, if these industries are going to get affected and then people are obviously going to, you know, the copywriter is no longer needed and the customer service person is never needed, what happens?

[00:30:55.260] – Karl Bryan

And like there’s a story, I’ve actually told this before. It’s like a very famous economist. He tells a story of ten people live on an island and what happens is all ten people, they basically go out and they fish everyday and all of them catch two fish every day and then they eat two fish every day, right? Well, two of them over a period of time get this bang of idea that they’re going to build a boat and net and then they’re going to go out and make this easier. Well, lo and behold, guess what? They go out and they catch 20 fish, well, what happens? So 20 fish feeds all ten people. So then the question is, what are you going to do? So you have the option of taxing the two people, 80% of the fish, and then what am I trying to say? Like giving it out to all of the eight others, right? So everybody is still going to end up with two fish, right? And then what’s going to happen? The eight people are going to sit around and suntan and do nothing all day. Well, the two people that are out fishing, what’s going to happen? Maybe de incentifies, they’re going to be like, what? All these people are sitting around doing nothing, reading books, you know, playing games, suntan and sitting on their fat butts all day and we’re out fishing?

[00:32:19.220] – Karl Bryan

Screw that. And then they’re going to be disincentivised. They’re going to like, you know, that their motivation is going to wane and then you’re going to have challenges, right? So alternative to that and what you want to happen is the two people go out and catch all the fish for the island. The third guy learns to farm and grow vegetables. The next guy works on the boat and makes it faster so they can get out there quicker and get back faster. Another guy’s working on a better net so that they can not only catch 20 fish, but maybe they could catch 40 fish, start stockpiling it, and then they could trade it. Folks could eat more, they could grow their population. Somebody else is going to learn to knit, so now they’re all going to have blankets and clothes. Somebody else is going to learn to read so that when they have kids all of a sudden they’re going to have a teacher on the island. Somebody else is going to take their time and they’re going to build a school. So what happens is as AI comes in, we can’t be looking at it as like, oh, all these people are going to be out of work the way we need to be looking at it. We need to become resourceful as opposed to rely on our resources, right? So it’s just the beauty is that we are going to take grand steps forward because the robots are going to come in and take care of things like customer service. But we’re going to be reallocate, those people, and they’re going to be able to learn how to code, and they’re going to learn how to you know one’s going to be building better video games, and they’re going to be building educational video games, and they’re going to build an educational platform, and they’re going to participate in building the educational platform because they’re not a coder, but they are going to, you know, provide, you know, good insight. So that that’s the way it needs to. And I hope that what that does is make everybody feel comfortable that AI is going to come in and take away a bunch of jobs.

[00:34:14.870] – Karl Bryan

But I assure you it’s going to be a really really good as long as they don’t turn kill us by the way, which may or may not happen. But you know what I mean society is going to be way better off because we’re going to have all these people that are no longer going to have to sit behind the phone and answer stupid questions, the same stupid questions over and over and over again. What we’re going to be able to do is reallocate those resources into better, more effective stuff, right? Better things to be thinking about. Do you know what I mean? Instead of getting all preoccupied with artificial intelligence and whether or not it’s going to wipe us out. Remember, the smartest people in the world build the best things, right? You look at the companies that you think the most of again, and whether you love them or you hate them, you got to suspend that thought. It’s just Bezos, is he a smart guy? Is he like elite smart guy? Is he a genius? He’s going to be far closer to genius than your average guy. Well, he just happened to build Amazon. He’s a very smart guy. Bill Gates, Harvard, Elon Musk, clearly to say he’s a smart individual. Understatement Steroid Zuckerberg again. Got accepted into Harvard, didn’t graduate. Irrelevant. He got into Harvard. Believe me, he’s the elite of the elite of the elite, intelligence wise, IQ wise, right? So they’re educated and they kept educating themselves. My question is, when AI replaces you, you got to educate yourself and then continue to educate yourself and become super. I really think that what you should do is just find a way. You’re never going to take your IQ up dramatically, but you can absolutely increase it. And you can certainly think street smarts over school smarts. I think we all know the guy that was school smart, right? He went on to make what? And the answer is very little money.

[00:36:10.260] – Karl Bryan

What is it?

[00:36:11.110] – Karl Bryan

C students start the company and they hire A students to manage B students. You guys probably all heard of that one, but it’s the C students to start the companies as a general rule, but they keep learning and keep learning and keep learning. And of course, the A students, when they do start the company and they adopt street smarts and continue to educate themselves, those are the folks that really make a dent. But it’s like better things to be thinking about. Eating healthy, hydrating fasting once a month is something they say and feel free to discard this information or call me wrong, but fasting once a month for three days is an incredibly good idea. It is fantastic for brain fog and quite frankly, that alone could make you marginally but positively a little bit smarter. A little bit smarter, right? You know that like driving over the holidays. I said this to a few friends. They’re taking these long drives in snowy conditions. You know how if you’re between I’m going to make a meal of this, but I’ll tell you that I’m very confident if you’re between the age of 40 to 60, I believe it’s the third highest, the way that you are going to die with the third highest probability is how it’s driving, right?

[00:37:38.310] – Karl Bryan

So if I’m you and you’re between the age of 40 to 60, first, you want to look after that little thing called your heart. What you really want to do is stay the heck away from the wheel and long drives. Another way that you die, I believe it’s number four on that same list is by choking, right? So like being if you live longer, you’re going to have the opportunity to make significantly more money. If you’re in business for ten years longer than I am because I’m dead and you’re not, let’s hope that doesn’t happen. But you know what I mean, you’re going to make more dough. Staying alive is probably a good idea. Instead of worrying about artificial intelligence, which is a high probability that you have zero control over, concentrate on these things like in between your own ears and then your own energy levels to grow your business. And if you do get laid off, if you don’t have brain fog and you get a high level of energy and you’re super fit and you’re eating healthy and you’re exercising a lot, you have a way better job of going.

[00:38:47.300] – Karl Bryan

Get yourself a new career. I was talking about, I do boxing every day at 8:30. I’ve got a guy who comes by, Gary Lightbourne, he used to he fought but he boxes sparring partners with Mike Tyson, Vander Holyfield, Lennox Lewis, Larry Holmes, George Foreman, you name it. He’s boxed, right? He used to party. He sent a happy birthday message to my dad and I’m like, who’s the coolest guys you partied with? And he goes Eddie Murphy. Michael Jackson. Isaiah Thomas. And he hung out with Oprah. I mean, this is the people that he is hanging out with. He’s like the coolest guy, big man. But anyway, so we were talking about this like he pushes me and if you heard just an audio of us boxing at 8:30 in the morning, you would think that I am going for the middleweight championship of the world, right? This guy is working me and he talks to me like a professional boxer. I just love it. I have so much fun. But anyways, anyways, what we were talking about is, like, the Navy Seals. There was a guy in the Navy Seals. He got interviewed. It might have been Jacob, by the way.

[00:39:57.420] – Karl Bryan

But he’s like, when you think you’re at your limit and RodeDog you’d know about this from doing marathons, and RodeDog goes like RodeDog goes to the gym and he doesn’t tune around. I mean, he he’s there lifting, like, what’s heavy and how many times can I lift it? This kind of guy, he is. Well, when you’re at your limit and you’re going to throw up and you can’t feel your hands, you can’t feel your feet, you’re just exhausted. You’re at 30% is what they say. You know you’ve got another 70%, right? So I don’t know. Thinking about I’m going off on a tangent again, shoots. But the Navy Seals like, you’re at 30%. So I’m going I’m like, oh, my gosh, gary like, I need to take a break, right? He’s like, you were the one that told me, you were the one that told me you’re only at 30%. And again, and I keep going, keep going, keep going, keep going. And you feel like you’re going to throw up, but it’s kind of cool if you can really, really push yourself. I think that’s really good for your heart. That’s really good for your lungs.

[00:40:55.780] – Karl Bryan

And instead of thinking about artificial intelligence, if you were thinking about that, you might find that you can influence local business owners at a higher level. You can influence yourself at a higher level, you can influence your family at a higher level. So I think that that is good. Instead of playing on these sites like Robinhood, right? Like Robin Hood. People think that Robin Hood is investing. And let me tell you that Robin Hood are encouraging, and that’s the platform where you do stock trades and that sort of stuff, but they encourage gambling over investing, right? Again, Warren Buffett will tell you, you buy a stock and then you own it for ten years, if not a lifetime, right? These guys, like, they’re in and out, in and out, in and out. You know, day trading, it’s it’s gambling, right? At the end of the day, and let me tell you, that the highest level of suicide amongst addictions. Guess which one it is. Is it meth? Is it alcohol? Is it sex? Is it porn? Is it what? It’s gambling, right? The number one addiction that leads to suicide is gambling.

[00:42:06.810] – Karl Bryan


[00:42:08.260] – Karl Bryan

Again, because it’s something that you can hide for a long time, is what they’ll say. But again, are you day trading? Are you spending, you know, again, you know, 06:00 a.m. Till 08:00 a.m. day trading and staring at a computer and tuning around with that? Or are you working on this other stuff that we’re talking about, trying to elevate yourself? Or again, rather than getting distracted with artificial intelligence, which is what I’m kind of trying to do here, is that I think that there’s a lot of things that could occupy your mind.

[00:42:39.760] – Karl Bryan

Significantly better.

[00:42:42.000] – Karl Bryan

Space tourism was so popular roughly twelve months ago, colonizing Mars, this, that, and the other, it’s still in play. But I got to tell you that Bezos and his brother went into space. No one seems to care, nobody seems to be interested. And if you look at it, Branson and the founders of what does he call it, virgin something or other, but Richard Branson’s program where he’s trying to fly people into space, he’s got all of his own money out. You might want to have a look at that. Maybe I’m wrong. Maybe I’m right. You have a look. But let me tell you, he’s got no money in that company because he clearly believes it could go to zero. It’s one of those when you invest in something I talked about, I think it was last week or the week before, like, I believe that 2023 is free record. A really good investment will be Meta for the reason that it’s down well over 50%, right? Well over 50%. Well, it’s got a floor, right? Because it’s got really good cash reserves and cash flow and there’s a real business behind it with real opportunity.

[00:43:48.930] – Karl Bryan

It’s got punching the most so much because Zuckerberg can’t get away from the Metaverse and people feel like the world is not ready for it and will never be ready for it. By the way, I’m going to suspend judgment. Not really sure I bought my daughter one of those Oculuses, and I can tell you that I have used it. I think it’s super cool. Everybody who sees it super cool, and everybody wants to have a go. So I think that there’s a lot of opportunity there. But what I’m trying to get at is Meta has like it’s got a floor where it can only it just can’t go much lower. It is not going to zero. Certainly anytime. If Meta went to zero, it will be one heck of a long time from now as I record, right? So therefore you can’t really lose all your dough if you put your money into SpaceX as an investment, and we talked about this. I believe that you should be investing, you should be making a good income, you should be living well, you should be looking after your family and you should be investing, and it should be an expense like your mortgage and like your rent as opposed to something you do if you can.

[00:44:56.220] – Karl Bryan

But space tourism can go literally to the floor as in to zero. So that’s not something that I don’t know. I just think that it’s one of those things that occupied a lot of people’s time and people are thinking about it. And I’ve said on this podcast, different times that Musk is just an alien trying to get home and colonizing Mars is like his greater play. It’s -100 degrees on mars right now as I talk to you, right? So I hope the heater is working in the spaceship. You might be in a little bit of trouble. So those types of things, be careful. I guess Shiny Light Syndrome is where I’m going. There. Don’t get caught up with artificial intelligence and space travel and all these different other things that crypto would be an example of. That how’s that worked out. And again, depending upon when you’re listening to this, maybe it’s gone back to maybe it’s at $100,000, and maybe it’s gone to zero, and maybe it’s still probably about $16,000 as I talk. But I don’t know. Don’t get all consumed. Just think of all the entrepreneurs, RodeDog. We know a number of them, right, that went all in on their businesses on crypto.

[00:46:15.150] – RodeDog


[00:46:15.480] – Karl Bryan

And by the way, there was a time when Tesla didn’t go all in it by any stretch, but it was about Dodgecoin, and there was a stage where you could buy a Tesla with bitcoin.

[00:46:24.640] – Karl Bryan


[00:46:25.050] – Karl Bryan

Well, what happened? And the answer is, wasn’t good. So just be a little bit careful with those trends and the sexiness of all that stuff. Concentrate on what you can control. I understand artificial intelligence, the importance of it, the sexiness of it, the draw of it, but your health and the things that you can avoid to stay healthy, to do, and your clients guiding them. And we’re kind of talking macro concepts and whatnot here. I don’t know if you’re you’re talking about this with your business owners. Is that a good thing? Is that a, you know, on a macro level, are they like, wow, this is a really well rounded individual that knows a lot about a lot. Maybe they would be more attractive. You will be more attractive to them by way of doing business. That has been clearly my experience. Not to mention, as you educate yourself, I believe that as you educate yourself, you’ll earn significantly more organically. So I encourage you to do so. Roped up. I think I just went on a rabbit hole tear, but there you go. Shoot.

[00:47:36.360] – RodeDog

Rabbit hole special. You know what? I was just you just wouldn’t stop talking. It’s like talking to my wife. I was just thinking that if we had, like, a remote shock collar and then at the end of your rabbit hole, I just ask you one thing. What was the original question you were answering? Right? Because I don’t remember. You didn’t think you could answer.

[00:48:00.600] – Karl Bryan

Industries. Industries. Yeah.

[00:48:05.320] – RodeDog

There you go. I am so proud of you that you remembered that after what? I don’t even know what was going on in that brain. Listen, first off, you made a comment about me in the gym, watching Karl Bryan in the gym, folks. His number one thing is, look, but I don’t want to get injured. I got a bad shoulder.

[00:48:28.800] – Karl Bryan

That’s not go on, man. Don’t be too harsh, buddy. It’s important, man, I tell you, you get an injury, right? Get what happens, you end up with all the games that you call, you.

[00:48:41.420] – RodeDog

You’re fine, you’re fine. Anyways, I can’t wait to read the show notes. It’s going to have highlights such as dying is bad for your business and don’t choke. So that’s going to be exciting for folks. By the way, Zuckerberg and all these guys, they may have gone to Harvard, but let me ask you, did they go to Red Deer College? I don’t think so. I don’t think they did.

[00:49:06.220] – Karl Bryan

You and I both know that’s where all the great sweatsheets.

[00:49:11.020] – RodeDog

Red Deer College. I love it. All right, end it. Can you end this without going into a rabbit hole by giving us one practical piece of advice that somebody can take from today’s episode and implement into their business coaching practice?

[00:49:32.420] – Karl Bryan

I’m scared.

[00:49:33.630] – Karl Bryan

I’m not.

[00:49:34.180] – Karl Bryan

Her,e a lot of what I said over the last little bit here, shiny light, guard that little space in between your ears. Again, we said somebody on the opening, we were talking about goals. Bruno, right? Shout out to Bruno. But it’s like talking about goals and that sort of stuff. Remembered a 25 year goal, ten year, five year goal, three year goal, one year goal, nine month goal, six month goal, three month goal, one month goal, three week goal, two week goal, one week goal, and then one day goal, right? And a series of goals. And they all need to coalesce. They all need to rhyme, right? So if the initiative doesn’t take fate to that, I tell you, she laugh about choking and driving. But I tell you, if you get a 25 year goal and you die twelve years into it, I got bad news shoots. Like, you’re not accomplishing that. Right. So again, general health and understand, like, how many people knew that. I’m going to say that it’s the fourth highest. What do we do? Like, the stats and the data say that it’s the fourth thing that’s going to knock you out of the box if you’re 40 to 60, right?

[00:50:53.450] – Karl Bryan

Again, driving, that’s going to knock you out of the box. I don’t know if people are thinking about that kind of thing when you’re thinking about taking your family on a holiday and there’s the option to fly and the option to drive, and then you’re thinking, yeah, the airport and the strip search and got to take off my darn shoes and go through and travel. Such a pain. Well, safety should potentially factor into that, right? It does for me. And I’m like, Look, I’m flying. That’s it. Significantly safer. But shiny light shoots, if the thing.

[00:51:30.600] – Karl Bryan

Doesn’t help you get to your 25.

[00:51:32.830] – Karl Bryan

Ten, 5321 year goals, which all coalesce and all rhyme with one another, stay away from it. That being said, a lot of money made with trends, as we both know. So I’d be educating myself at a high level, which is what we’re trying to do, like, with this podcast, kind of helping you guys with different things you could be thinking about and some things that you may or may not have known so that you can advance your business coaching career. Hopefully we do that. But that’s what I just staying away from that shiny, light, multiple streams of income. Stop it. Right? Show me introduce me to somebody with multiple streams of income and I’ll introduce you to somebody with lame multiple streams of income, right? Like Zuckerberg wasn’t growing Facebook and then doing Airbnb on the side. Bezos wasn’t building Amazon and then playing with crypto or doing the trendy, neat, shiny light thing on the side. Trying to make a few extra bucks, right? All in on one thing. Go all in with business coaching. I talked about investing. What’s the great. You guys know the answer to this. If you’re listening to this, you know the answer.

[00:52:49.430] – Karl Bryan

But knowing it and doing it are two different things. Right, RodeDog. Again, that’s something else we’ve talked about a lot in the past, and absolutely something that’s true that if you’re not doing it, you don’t know it. So I’m sorry. You know that you should invest. What’s the number one investment? You right. I think people read book summaries and they read books and they do audios. But if there’s something that you really need to learn, let’s call it NLP for the argument. Well, go do it. Don’t read the book on NLP and assume you know it. If you feel like NLP is going to take you to the new heights and, like, one little initiative has got you some clients and made a big difference, maybe it’s time for you to go do the full eight hour course on NLP. Really learn it. You know what I mean?

[00:53:41.970] – Karl Bryan

And maybe it’s sales.

[00:53:43.110] – Karl Bryan

How often RodeDog do we hear, oh, I suck at sales. I suck at sales. I’m a great coach. I suck at sales. So I say to the guy, how much time over the last 90 days? How many books, how many audios, how many courses have you taken on sales in the last 90 days? What’s the answer with 99.9% predictability? Zero. None. I’m like, okay, well, if you suck at sales and you haven’t bettered your skills in the last 90 days, you suck even worse now because you lost 90 days. Just a little bit better, a little bit better, a little bit better, a little bit better, a little bit better. And you get that compounding hockey stick type growth. The problem is, when you play Monopoly properly, you feel like you’re losing halfway through, right? You take a penny and you double it every day for 31 days. You got $10 million. But the problem, it’s day 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, et cetera, for a freaking effort. It feels like forever. But you’re getting there. You’re getting there. You’re getting there. But nobody but that would be defined as delayed gratification, and that’s not sexy.

[00:54:43.700] – Karl Bryan

So we get taken by the shiny light cute sales funnel. Funnel this, funnel that, Facebook ad this, Facebook ad that, TikTok this, TikTok that, Snapchat this and Snapchat that. You know what I mean? Just don’t get taken by that sexy stuff. Go learn how to read financial statements. Now, there’s an initiative that I really want to encourage you to do, which, by the way, we teach. So anyway, there you go. Shoots. But stay away from shiny lights. How’s that? Shoots. That’s my final thought.

[00:55:15.590] – RodeDog

Shiny lights. Say, listen, I’m going to three things. One, the rule of 100. And this is, I think, fantastic advice for everybody. It only takes 18 minutes a day. You take something, a discipline, a practice, whatever you want to learn. The rule of 100 states that if you spend 18 minutes a day studying one subject for 365 days, you will be better than 95% of the world in that discipline. Like, think about that, right? So what’s the 20 minutes you’re going to spend on studying today? Maybe it’s reading financial statements, right, Karl? Imagine if somebody spent 20 minutes a day reading financial statements, how efficient they would be at that. Within a year, they would be absolutely insane. So number one. Number two to your choking. You know what? 450 people die annually by falling out of bed. So just throwing that number out there. So there you go. I am Googling this right now. But you know what’s even more scary than falling out of bed? 762 people a year die by a volcano. Volcanoes kill an average of 762 people a year. So while you’re busy not choking, also stay away from those volcanoes, folks.

[00:56:32.530] – RodeDog

There you go. We’re just here to help, Karl. That’s what we’re here for.

[00:56:36.430] – Karl Bryan

Trip to Hawaii.

[00:56:40.460] – RodeDog

There’s something about selfies in there, too. So, you know what? If you really want to minimize your impact of dying, don’t take a selfie by a volcano. I’m pretty sure those go hand in hand. All right, on that note, thanks for tuning in to another episode of Business Coaching Secrets with the King of the Caribbean himself, King Karl. And if you’re not on the inside and getting asked the preshow that we’ve been talking about so much lately, or you’re not getting Karl’s daily emails, or just want just generally more information on how to grow your business coaching practice, go to and subscribe today. And again, if you enjoyed the podcast, please share and or leave a review. That would be fantastic. And as I like to end every show with, remember, folks, progress equals happiness. 18 minutes a day. We’ll see the next episode. Take care, everybody.

Karl Bryan built profit acceleration software 2.0 to train business coaches how to find any small business owner more than 100 percent $100,000 in 45 minutes without them spending an extra dollar on marketing or advertising. This becomes a business coach’s superpower. So as a business coach, you’ll never again have to worry about working with business owners that can’t afford your high-end coaching fees. Check us out at You may also see our Business Coaching Secrets Episode 190 : Going Back to Work In Person + AI’s Great Effect on Business on Spotify