Business Coaching Secrets: Favorite Mindset Hack + How Much Research Required On Business OwnerFavorite Mindset Hack: One of my favorite mindset hacks is the power of positive self-talk. It involves consciously replacing negative or self-limiting thoughts with positive and empowering ones. By becoming aware of your inner dialogue and intentionally reframing negative thoughts into positive affirmations, you can shift your mindset towards a more optimistic and confident outlook. This mindset hack can help you overcome self-doubt, increase motivation, and improve your overall mental well-being.

Research Required on Business Owner: The amount of research required on a business owner can vary depending on the context and purpose of the research. If you’re conducting market research or due diligence on a business owner before partnering with them or investing in their venture, it is crucial to gather comprehensive information. This may involve examining their professional background, track record, financial history, reputation, and any potential legal or ethical issues. You may also want to assess their management style, leadership abilities, and strategic vision to determine if they align with your objectives. Additionally, networking, conducting interviews, and seeking references can provide valuable insights into a business owner’s character and capabilities. The level of research required ultimately depends on the depth of understanding you need to make an informed decision or form a successful business relationship.


Favorite Mindset Hack: One of my favorite mindset hacks is the power of positive self-talk. It is a simple yet powerful technique that can have a profound impact on your mindset, well-being, and overall success. The idea behind positive self-talk is to consciously replace negative or self-limiting thoughts with positive and empowering ones.

Our minds are filled with constant chatter, and often that internal dialogue tends to be critical, self-defeating, or filled with self-doubt. Positive self-talk involves becoming aware of this negative inner dialogue and intentionally reframing it into positive affirmations and supportive statements. Instead of focusing on what could go wrong or dwelling on past mistakes, positive self-talk directs your attention towards possibilities, solutions, and your strengths.

By consistently practicing positive self-talk, you can rewire your brain and shift your mindset towards a more optimistic, confident, and growth-oriented state. It helps to cultivate a mindset that believes in your abilities, recognizes opportunities, and embraces challenges as learning experiences. When faced with setbacks or obstacles, positive self-talk can provide the motivation and resilience to persevere and find solutions instead of giving in to defeat or self-sabotage.

To incorporate positive self-talk into your daily life, start by becoming more aware of your thoughts and the language you use internally. Whenever you catch yourself thinking negatively or doubting your abilities, consciously replace those thoughts with positive and empowering ones. For example, instead of saying, “I can’t do this,” shift it to “I am capable, and I can figure this out.” Over time, this practice will become more natural and automatic, positively influencing your mindset and overall well-being.

Research Required on Business Owner: The amount of research required on a business owner can vary depending on the context and purpose of the research. Conducting research on a business owner is often necessary when considering partnering with them, investing in their venture, or entering into a business relationship that requires trust and alignment of goals.

To thoroughly research a business owner, several aspects should be considered. First, it is important to examine their professional background and experience. Look into their educational qualifications, work history, and any relevant certifications or industry accolades. Understanding their expertise and industry knowledge can help assess their suitability for the business venture.

Furthermore, it is crucial to evaluate the business owner’s track record and performance. This includes examining their past business ventures, projects, or initiatives. Assess the outcomes of these endeavors, including successes, failures, and lessons learned. Understanding how the business owner has handled challenges, adapted to changes, and achieved results can provide valuable insights into their capabilities and resilience.

Financial research is also essential. Analyze the business owner’s financial history, including previous investments, funding sources, and financial management practices. This includes assessing their ability to generate revenue, manage cash flow, and make sound financial decisions. This information can help gauge the business owner’s financial acumen and stability.

Reputation is another critical aspect to research. Seek feedback from colleagues, partners, and clients who have worked with the business owner in the past. Look for online reviews, testimonials, or references to gather insights into their professional conduct, communication skills, and ethical standards. Assessing their reputation can help determine if they align with your values and if they have a history of maintaining positive business relationships.

In addition, understanding the business owner’s management style, leadership abilities, and strategic vision is important. Research their approach to decision-making, problem-solving, and team management. Assess whether their leadership style complements your own and if they have the necessary skills to drive the business forward.

Researching a business owner may also involve networking and conducting interviews. Engage in conversations with industry peers, experts, and professionals who may have insights or experiences related to the business owner. Interviews with the owner themselves can provide valuable information about their.


In conclusion, the power of positive self-talk is a mindset hack that can have a transformative effect on our lives. By consciously replacing negative or self-limiting thoughts with positive and empowering ones, we can shift our mindset towards optimism, confidence, and growth. Positive self-talk helps us overcome self-doubt, increase motivation, and improve our overall mental well-being. By consistently practicing positive self-talk, we can rewire our brains and cultivate a mindset that believes in our abilities, recognizes opportunities, and embraces challenges as learning experiences.

When it comes to researching a business owner, the amount of research required can vary depending on the purpose and context. Conducting thorough research on a business owner is crucial when considering partnerships, investments, or business relationships that require trust and alignment of goals. Researching a business owner involves examining their professional background, track record, financial history, reputation, and management style. It may also involve networking, conducting interviews, and seeking references to gain insights into their character and capabilities.

The level of research required ultimately depends on the depth of understanding needed to make informed decisions and form successful business relationships. It is important to gather comprehensive information to assess the business owner’s qualifications, experience, performance, financial acumen, reputation, and leadership abilities. This research process helps mitigate risks, identify compatibility, and ensure alignment with your objectives.

In both cases, whether practicing positive self-talk or conducting research on a business owner, investing time and effort into these endeavors can yield significant benefits. Developing a positive mindset can enhance personal growth, resilience, and success, while thorough research on a business owner can lead to informed decision-making and the establishment of fruitful business partnerships. Ultimately, the mindset hack of positive self-talk and the research required on a business owner both contribute to our personal and professional development, empowering us to achieve our goals and thrive in our endeavors.


Intro  00:02

Welcome to Business Coaching secrets with Karl Bryan. If you want to attract new high end coaching clients, fill live events, and build a wildly profitable coaching practice where business owners pay, stay, and refer, you come to the right place. In this podcast, Karl provides his keys to the kingdom for finding and signing high paying clients and building the coaching business of your dreams. Here we go!

Karl Bryan  00:43

Hey, hey, hey, welcome to Business Coaching secrets. It’s Karl Bryan here coming at you. Sans RodeDog. My boy can’t make it today. So I’m flying the flag on my own. So poor old RodeDogie, he busted up his wrist playing soccer. So he’s been having a, he’s been having a pretty not so great couple of weeks, the poor dog, the poor guy, but anywho, he has sent me through some questions. So I got them and I’m gonna do the best I can to start spitting out some answers. But anyways, thanks for being here. And here we go. He’s got a question here. What is your favorite mindset hack? To elevate your thinking as a coach? There you go. What is your favorite mindset hack? I’m going to start with do hard things. I so I wake up and I whether this is a hard thing don’t know but I I wake up I box five times a week. And by the way, the guy that I box with and I’ve said this on the podcast before but he has trained with Mike Ty, he has box with Mike Tyson, Evander Holyfield, Lennox Lewis, George Foreman. Oh, like the big Trevor, Trevor Berbick, who I believe Mike Tyson won the title from, when he originally became heavyweight champion of the world. He’s very good friends with him. He’s really good friends with all of those guys. He, he knew Floyd Mayweather when he was a kid. But anyway, so in other, what am I trying to say?

This guy, you know, like, I remember I, so I did a race for my daughter’s school. And so that they’re having a track day, and then the whole thing ends and the dad’s having a race. And I didn’t pull one hamstring. I pulled two! Which was very embarrassing, but of course, I had to win. But that was my plan. And I did not win. I did not finish the race. But anyways, but I didn’t pulled one hamstring, I pulled two! Well, guess how many days of boxing I missed? And I wouldn’t be lying, was zero. Okay. And that is not my hard level of thinking, that is my boy Gary, who just refuses to allow an injury get in the way and we’d made too much progress. And he just said, man, we’re just gonna make it work and you’re just gonna move a little bit less. And he was there every single day. I think that having a training partner like that is absolutely pure gold. And by the way, you know boxing and I don’t want to put myself out there to some like amazing boxer because I most certainly am not, although I love it. And I like I said, I do it every single day.

What I’m trying to say is do hard things. What is a hard thing for you, it’s rock climbing. It’s skydiving. You will find as I say some of those things you might be kind of throwing up in your mouth. But I would challenge you, that if you want to go far and you want to inspire people first of all, you want to be interesting and I think somebody that goes skydiving, bungee jumping, goes kite surfing, I’ve got a motorized surfboard that I absolutely love. So it’s like think of a surfboard but you want flat water instead of sort of wavy water right and you rip around with a remote control in your hand. Not the easiest thing to learn how to do quite frankly not the easiest thing to do once you do get the hang of it you’re going. But again I do that on a regular basis so it’s, it’s one of those things where I feel like I don’t know I’m out there in nature doing some cool stuff. I had to look you know, I had to learn how to do that I promise you is not easy. So, and by the way I don’t want that so for you what is that? And I was really passionate about this thing called the jet surf. So that allows me to you know, if we assume that learning how to jet surf well was a very challenging thing. Because I was really, you know what I mean? Passionate about it and something I really wanted to do, I managed to do something that would be, you know hard, and got over the line forget me what about you? What is that? Do hard things!

Are you doing hard things? If you’re not, define a few and go do them. Learn new skills, outside, you know, in picking up the you know, picking up filling up a room with 10 people for your local live event at the Chamber of Commerce, so the golf golf course or the the Yacht Club, the oil and gas club at the, you know, the high end local venue, the, the penthouse of a really expensive hotel would be a good idea. And that could be hard things but I’m kind of talking about things outside of just 101 business and something physical, I think also will give you an advantage. But I would say that that will provide you a bit of a step forward, I also just tell you that conscientiousness is a superpower of an entrepreneur, you know, be conscientiously, you know, purposeful, be deliberate in your actions. Again, that, you know, the guy on Facebook, with the car and all that sort of stuff that that is just that is not generally speaking, the really, really high performer and again, I bring you back to Zuckerberg, I bring it a Bezos, I bring it up Michael Dell, those types of personalities a little bit, you know, thick glasses, nerdy type, you know, talk softly, and then actions are very loud, that type of individual, the end of the day conscientious, be purposeful, be deliberate, delayed gratification, would have to fall into a mindset.

It’s like when you do a live local live event, when you start the planning of it, it’s probably going to be you know, two weeks, possibly three weeks before the money hits your bank account and starts hitting your bank account might even be longer, you might have to do two to three events, because maybe you’re not super seasoned at doing those live, you know, doing the events, and converting an audience like that. So delayed gratification is just a get there is lots of research out there, by people way, way, way, way, way smarter than me that if you were to ask them this question, like, what was my notes right here? Favorite mindset hack? It’d be delayed, they would tell you that delayed gratification, or certainly it would be in the top three. So I challenge you to, to, to what to audit your personal ability to do hard work today, that you don’t realize the results of long time. That’s why diets don’t work. Because people go on a diet and they do the exercise, they stop, you know, they stop eating all the junk food bla bla bla, bla bla, but you don’t really much like doubling the penny for 31 days and getting to 10 million. It’s Day 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, forever on the diet. It takes a long time. But when that weight starts to fall off, that weight really starts to fall off, like the fat needs to maintain to soften up a little bit, and then boom, all of a sudden, like, wow, you’ve really lost a lot of weight. It tends to happen, but it takes a while. And remember, all diets work until seven o’clock. If you want to go on a diet and you want to be successful with it, make a strategy seven until you go to bed as a game plan. I don’t know if that goes into delayed gratification, but anywho. So mindset hacks to elevate thinking, you know, an amateur thinks of what could go right?

And then a pro thinks of what could go wrong. And then I would parlay that into a business owner and entrepreneur thinks of what could go right and an investor thinks of what could go wrong. I want to challenge you with being I would think that would be like the definition of a stoic, right, like being really stoic no Bella check things. So what could go wrong? Versus what could go right when you know they’re playing football and he would debatably be the greatest coach of all time, or certainly very, you know, high up there in a very competitive world, professional football, which ultimately he’s coaching, that’s what we’re doing. We’re going to help our coaches help our clients be thinking about, you know, what, if we launched this what could go wrong, you’re gonna be thinking, asymmetrical risk. Like launching a podcast, there’s very little risk, and there’s tremendous upside, but delayed great, you’re, you’re, you’re gonna start a podcast tomorrow and then get magically a bunch of clients like, really, really quickly. I’ll also tell you that podcast, you’re listening to this.

As part of the podcast, you’re a higher level individual, you’re gonna find that the one thing with your podcasts and success with it is you will attract a higher level of client to that event, the same way that when we promote local or promote like, you know how to how to get if I do, how to get coaching clients using Facebook ads tomorrow, I will be inundated with people opting in and people would registering and quite frankly, a good portion of people will show up, that’s a good thing. But if I do a promotion how to read financial statements immediately afterwards, I’ll get significantly less interest significantly lift less click through significantly less opt ins, significantly less people go to my training, but I will get a higher caliber of client that higher caliber of individual a higher level of prospect to how to read financial statements when I will Facebook ads so it’s um, you know, it’s appealing to becoming the best you can possibly be a versus some tactical Yeti, Yeti, Yeti, right? Hopefully that’s making sense but that, yeah so just the higher level I don’t know, what am I trying to go there like higher level thinking you know like remember like Tony Robbins gets paid for who he is, not what he does, right? Grant Cardone you may love them you may hate them frankly, he’s a billionaire. So to think that you can’t learn something from will be crazy. He’s not my cup of tea. He’s not my you don’t I mean, I’m not like some big Grant Cardone. You know, fan and Gary Vaynerchuk.

I believe that they both, know what I mean? They, they promote a hustle and grind work 18 hours a day and like sacrifice your 20s and 30s for success that I’m not 100% behind. I do believe in sacrificing for what you want. And being really purposeful and being really, really good at defining what that end goal is. Think of my example that I’ve said many times on the podcast, Kobe Bryant knew exactly what he wanted. From like the age of 15, so his was life was easy. He wanted to be the greatest basketball player of all time, they wanted to win multiple championships, and he wanted to dominate the NBA. So, if you were, so I always do is I channel your inner Kobe Bryant? If you are Kobe, do you think you train three times a day or once a day? When that’s your goal? You’re right, three times, right? Do you eat broccoli or eat chocolate? Look, you want the chocolate just like I do. But guess what? You want to be the greatest basketball player of all time. You go to, you go to, you go to the broccoli, right? So you’re getting that being really, really purposeful for what it is that you want is a hack big time. But understanding that Tony Robbins gets paid for who he is, Grant Cardone gets paid for who he is, Gary Vaynerchuk gets paid for who he is, Brendan Bouchard gets paid for who he is versus what they do. And Dan Kennedy would be the same. Frank Kern would be the same. So what does that you know, building a local profile is going to take some time. But if you do it, the results could be exemplary. Imagine when coaching clients start, you know, hiring you for who you are versus what you do. Imagine how everything would change. But that’s good news.

Bad news is delayed gratification would need to be super high on your list, in that, that ain’t happening anytime soon, if you don’t already have a huge profile, right? Or when I say huge profile, like, you know, a profile and impressive one, how do you do that? I just tell you, run a local live event every Tuesday at 7am for an entire year. And that will happen organically. But you know that and instinctively, as I say it, you I mean you’re like, oh yeah, I’m all in. But What you won’t do is you won’t do it, you won’t follow through. And I don’t say that to call you out. I say that to call on you. Because again, that’s really hard to do, 52 events in a row at the local chamber at 7am. But if you had a purpose that was super big, and you were really all about the chiropractor, the dentist, the butcher, the baker, the candlestick maker and elevating the local consciousness of business owners, you’d follow through at a higher level but anywho… so mindset hack. I think I want to… stoic in me is saying to say like, like making $100,000 a year and buying $100,000 car is intergalactic stupidity, ridiculously common and intergalactic stupid, stupidity for you, the business coaches of the world. And for the local, you know, the dentist, the chiropractor, the butcher, the baker, the candlestick maker, the landscaper.

In some cases, by the way, it works because that individual gets pushed into a position where they’ve got to work harder, they gotta think at a higher level, they’ve got to, you know, show up and do the jobs to make sure that they can, you know, like, spend that, you know, you know what I mean? Like, afford the car, etc. But I just again, understanding accounting and understanding how to read a balance sheet and income statement and cash flow statement, there’s no, there’s no level of common sense that can be used to get to the fact that a guy makes 100 grand a year and then buys $100,000 car which he normally has to finance or she has to finance it, which means $100,000 car finance, it’s not $100,000 Not even bloody close. And by the way, maybe you lease things that depreciate and then buy things that apreciate so does a car depreciate it as a car apreciate and obviously depreciates sit well, at least if you’re not buying classics, so as a gym that is not black and white, but it’s close, certainly a frame. They should be leasing their car and they’re probably buy it.

You know, like again, like it’s not about being in the right place at the right time. It’s about being the right person at the right place, at the right time. Right. So it’s not about being sorry, it’s not about being I made sure I said this, right. It’s not about being in the right place at the right time, which is very popular advice. It’s about being the right person at the right place at the right time. So question, how much homework like when you do a local live event, and you’ve got 10 people coming. My question is, how much research have you done on each individual business owner that’s agreed to come? In? If you’re the average business coach consultant that I’ve spoken to the answer would be none. And then I say why? And then their answer would be something to the effect of oh, it’s always you know, what I mean, the landscape of the butcher, the baker, the candlestick maker, it’s all the same thing. It’s all about I mean, the way that I help one is the exact same way I help the other, it’s just not necessary. And then I would argue that that is disrespecting your audience, which will always come back and bite you on the bum bum. So, and then something that Tony Robbins, has said that is, you know, popular, and I think to be great advice. He had a really tight room of a very select few individuals. And they said, like, what’s the greatest hacker, he said, here’s the greatest hack. And he screamed out one word, and it was so loud that like, spit flew, flew out of his mouth, as he said it, the roof almost came off the room, every one of them, you know, there was so much wind that their heads came back, and the word was prepare, and he just screamed at the top of his lungs.

My question is, how prepared are you? When you go meet a local business owner, and you’re going to try to sell them coaching? How much preparation have you done before the call, right? The the the competitive advantage it can give you if you do even 15 minutes of homework, before you get on the call with anybody, whether it’s your mum, about something that you need to discuss with her. If it’s a prospect, if it’s a joint venture partner, if it’s your accountant, if it’s the person who’s you know, immediately, you know, buying your advertising, it’s the person that works for you. It’s your virtual assistant, it’s your ad, you know what I mean? Like any other coach that works for you, the lead generator that works for you, tell you 15 to 20 minutes prior to that call can be really, really game changing. And I would just bring that back to what Tony Robbins says, and that is that, you know, prepare. I’m just trying to think of it like, what about, like, your enemy is not fear, your enemy is comfort, I want you to think about that your enemy is not fear your enemy is comfort. And, so, translation to that I would say is take your dreams, and turn them into goals. And what I mean, and just create some benchmarks for that, take your dream. And another another way of stating this. But some really good advice that I’ve had a ton of feedback on that I have given many times, and I’ll continue to give, you know, over the months, quarters, years, decades, etc, I do this, you get to create a 25 year plan for your business. So we’ll call that your dream result.

And then I want you to come back. So start with your 25 year plan for your business and then come back 10 years, and then come back five years, and then come back three years and then come back one year, it’s very hard to do this, by the way. Sounds easy, incredibly difficult to create that 25 year plan and then 10 five, three, and then one. And then the question is do you have a straight line between your 25 year goal, your 10 year goal, your five year goal, your three year goal, your one year goal. And then by the way, your three quarters, your nine month goal, your six month goal, your three month goal, and then your one month goal and then your one week goal? Right? And like once you do that, which again, it sounds easy, as I say it, very hard exercise to complete. You have to be conscientious in order to you know, follow through and do that properly. But the question is, once you do that, like go from your one week goal to your 25 year goal and do have a straight line. And I will tell you that much like Kobe Bryant, once you do that, a lot of the answers a lot of the questions that you have a lot of the, you know, should I do this? Should I do that? Is this a good idea? Is that a bad idea? Is this the right roadmap? Is this the best roadmap? Is this you know too much of a deviation from my roadmap? Once you do that the answers become really, really easy. Much like when I channeled Kobe Bryant you knew the answers. Train three times a day or once a day. It’s easy. If you’re going to train three times a day and you need to start at 4am or you’re going to start at one in the afternoon? The answer is obvious right? Anywho. So I think that’s it, you know what I mean?

And then just think of bigger, you know, thinking bigger, like instead of watching videos that are giving a million dollar advice, start listening to billionaires and they’re, look, this is Charlie Munger. This is Warren Buffett. These, these types of videos, these types of interviews are harder to come by, and they’re not going to be rah rah and lots of lights and impressive, you know, they’re going to come rolling up in their Rolls Royce. But there is a lot like, watch Zuckerberg interviewed, Zuckerberg got interviewed by Tim Ferriss, you should absolutely listen to that. You can see Jeff, Jeff Bezos, again, very difficult guy to interview any over a very long period of time, but there are interviews on the internet that you can watch on YouTube. And you can watch a little bit of his magic reading letters to shareholders of Amazon, you can see that his vision that he had, and like what was it 1997? Basically came to fruition he had, like, I think that he probably did that exercise of 25, 10, 5, 3, 1. And I can tell you that he basically, what he outlined many, many years ago is there, you know, do spend time doing that, instead of the reel on Facebook or the you know, quick little video, you know, a three minute video on YouTube. I think that that, by the way, and then take that, and then translate it parlay it into an effective to do list action plans for you, for your clients for the prospects, you know, in your local area. So, look at okay, and I’m going to end with compounding as if you go to like we have a profit acceleration simulator, if you go to our simulator that we created, you’re basically going to see a roughly five minute video that explains compounding, but the nuts and bolts of it, instead of trying to hit a home run, like take up Facebook ads and really killing it with your lead generation. When you create a small incremental change, call it 3% in multiple areas of your business. So let’s say five, you know, three to 10 areas in the chiropractor, the dentist or your own business, you get a compounding effect, which think of it as they multiply, instead of add together.

And if you think again, compounding again, I believe it’s Albert Einstein called it the eighth wonder of the world. Basically, when you double a penny every day, for 31 days, it’s not until 20 day 27 that all the magic happens, the same thing happens. But, but the magic does happen between day 27 day 31, you end up with $10 million. After starting with a penny, right? Well, the same thing can happen with your you know your results, your efficiency or productivity with your own company with your your clients business. So anyways, I’m gonna leave that there, mindset hacks, I started with do hard things, I want to challenge you to go find something really, really hard and go learn something new. And you will feel, I think that it will have a very positive effect on your business.  Okay, next question. RodeDog. How can I use my LinkedIn profile to get coaching clients consistently? Okay, best part best part about this question is the word consistently. By the way. Let me just say that social media is a long term play, don’t kid yourself, you’re not gonna go make a post on social media when you haven’t been making posts on social media and get a bunch of action, which by the way, and you may do and has been done, but you just need to understand that social media needs to be played as a long term play, not a get rich, quick deal, right?

And remember, that comes back to your enemy is fear. Your enemy is not fear, sorry, it’s comfort, right? Like, you don’t have a fear here. So again, something I’ve said, that has got some positive feedback for me on different conversations and emails and correspondence that I’ve had, but you don’t have a fear of failure. You have a fear of other people seeing you fail. Right? Think about that. Right? So like, if you weren’t worried about other people seeing you fail, and believe me, they’re not really all that worried about what you’re up to. They’ve got their own things that they’re thinking about challenges that they have. They’re not spending enormous amount of time worrying about you. So I think that that is really important. So, okay, here’s something a guy, he’s just literally put this in the bottom, every one of my emails, but you don’t have a client problem. You don’t have a money problem. You don’t have a lead generation problem. You have a refusal to help people before they pay you problem. Right? Now, if I go to your LinkedIn profile, how many people like it? If I read through it when I learned anything? If I went to your podcast, would I learn anything? Do you even have a podcast? If I went to your local live event on Tuesday at 7am? What I learned something give me unbelievable examples unbelievable metaphors, unbelievable stories that you’ve practice, and you’ve thought through and you’ve experimented with. And by the way, do you actually have an event happening Tuesday at 7am?

And the answer is often no. So I would you I mean, that’s what I mean by that. You’ve got it. I do a daily email, I started with a joke. And then I tried to educate people is that the greatest email in the world isn’t the worst email in the world? Yeah, I mean, it’s no doubt I put out some really good emails against some unbelievable feedback. And they turn into blog posts, of course, right. But the end of the day, that’s me, educating my database, this podcast is me educating the folks that follow me, right? And forget me, what about you? Are you out there doing these kinds of things. And by the way, here’s the challenge. You’re going to do a podcast, you’re going to do some YouTube videos, you’re going to do some local live events, and then guess what you’re gonna do? You’re gonna quit, right? And that’s not me calling you out. That is me calling on you. You’ve got if you’ve got that 25 year vision, you’ve got that Kobe Bryant picture, you’ll be significantly stronger when it comes time to follow through, you know, like that. Like value that I just think they say like value comes in two, four, I said this with Tony, like, value comes in two forms entertainment, education. Okay, so that is why I start every email out with a joke, right? Good joke, bad joke, off color, whatever you want. I mean, it’s just me trying to get me like, I get a ton of feedback.

And people read my emails for the joke far more than they do my education. And I get some horrifically, you know, hostile feedback. And there’s some people that think I am the biggest jackass on the planet, and they let me know, does that stop me? Right? Do I cry in my Cheerios? Oh, no, no, no. Do I change my style? Do I change? The answer’s no. Like, I got my that’s my thing. Right? And I am not for everybody. And I’m not trying to be for everybody, vanilla, no, thank you, that’s not going to get you very far as a coach. But again, forget me, I call on you. How are you going about educating? And how are you going about entertaining local business owners? You know, like, like, if you did, let’s say you decided to put together a little networking event. And you were gonna get 25 business owners and like a network, though, which would be a good idea. And you would probably do well, you could do it in your literally in your kitchen. You know, like, like, you know, in your own living room, you can do this in your home very easily, right? The question is, when they left or prep before they got there, how much time would you spend thinking about how you were going to entertain them not just think as educating them? I would think that you do that automatically if you’re a business coach, trying to get clients but the entertainment thing is something you might not spend a lot of time with.

And I’m going to suggest that that would be a mistake. When you go to do LinkedIn posts. How much time are you thinking about being a little bit and entertaining is very subjective term, they’re right, like entertaining for one and entertaining for another is totally different. Saying things in a charismatic, interesting way. Saying things in a story like format could be seen as entertainment. You know, I’m not in any way saying you got to become Jerry Seinfeld, because you don’t. Right? But I will tell you this, you got to be consistent, right? Like sporadic number, it’s an apple a day keeps the doctor away. It’s not seven apples on Sunday, because you forgot. You remember, you’re going to be remembered for what you refuse. And I always capitalized refuse when I say this, and bold it and italicized that you’re going to be remembered in life where you’ve refused to give up on, right? Well, if you refuse to give up on local business owners, and you promote an event and only two people showed up, what would you if you were Kobe Bryant and use that metaphor, guess what you do? You would be there next Tuesday at 7am.

And what if only two people showed up to that one? What if only one person showed up to that one? Well, if you were Kobe Bryant you were really clear on your 20 year 25 year vision and you were hell bent on educating the local business owners guess what you do? Next Monday, next Tuesday at 7am, you would be there! Remember, you, you will be remembered for what you refuse to give up on it. So I’m talking to somebody this week. And they were just talking about their local live events and it’s finally starting to get some traction. And they’ve basically got 10 people coming to the next event without even an hour without one phone call without anything number. What they want is 10 people in that room. They’ve already got 10 People scheduled for you know, for this week’s event. How cool would that be? And by the way, the hack there and what I always did is when I did an event, my goal was not I mean, there were some prospects and some a number of consultations and a number of appointments and a number of clients and an amount of money. I’d be lying to say that that’s not something that I was tracking. But let me tell you, that was not my biggest KPI, my biggest KPI, the one that I the intention that I set is I got up there I walked on stage, which by the way, I didn’t use a stage because that’s a bad idea because I elevate myself in that environment, I want to be standing on the floor with you. My conversion significantly higher. But my intention was to get two referrals per person. Okay, why did I do that? What’s the hardest thing to do when you’re doing a local live event? You’re correct, filling the event. So guess what happened when I got to it, I got 10 people there. And I got two referrals.

I’ve now got 10 people that just participated that I could follow up a second time on, and they just gave me collectively 20 referrals, or 20 people going to come to my event? No, but I bet three or four will. And then guess what if I only need 10, if I got three or four, guess what, I just need six or seven and my room is full. And by the way, I got three or four coming, if you’ve only got a small table, see, if you go to a stadium that fits 10,000 people and there’s 5000 people there, it feels empty. If there’s a lack of energy, that’s why they block out all of the you know, for a rock concert, or something like that, they’ll they’ll blackout all the chairs. That’s why they do it. So but if you have a stadium that fits 4500 And you have 5000 people there it feels chock a block, like the place to be the energy in that stadium is like significantly greater than it is in the stadium, whether 10,000 Same amount of people. And there’s you know what I mean, significantly more energy on one, right? So if so, translation for you, if you have a boardroom table, and there’s only four people fit, and you put a fifth person around this boardroom table, guess what? It feels full, if you’ve got a table that fits 25 people and you put 10 people there, it feels empty, there’s a lack of energy. So you got to be really conscientious really intelligent, really purposeful with the way that you I mean, you you’ve designed this room, what do you got to be you got to be prepared, you got to know how many people are going to be showing up? Right?

And guess what, we get a little bit better about it, a little bit better at it, a little bit better at it, a little bit better at it, a little bit better at it, the answer is yes. Anyways, um, I was talking about LinkedIn was like, let me so the worst mistake you can make as a coach online, is to hang out with other coaches you need that’s like, okay, for like 20% of your time being at spending 80% of your time with cosmetic surgeons, with dentists with landscapers. And there’s lots of groups on LinkedIn, lots of groups on Facebook, let’s you know groups and communities and trade associations, etc. You know, and when they trade shows, you need to be spending time with your target market, spend time with people gonna spend money with you, not just your peers, huge mistake is just hanging out with other coaches. And again, there’s a place for that. But you need to go where you know, people are going to write you checks. And then by the way, if I’m on LinkedIn, and I’m trying to generate a lead, I’m trying to sell you coaching even mentioned coaching, I gotta bring you to a call. So like, you asked me a question, are you looking for a reframe, like, whatever it is, it would always be a 15 minute call, everything is always a 15 minute call. And then I parlay that 15 minute call into, hey, come to my event on Tuesday at 7am or let’s schedule 90 minutes get together and I’ll find you 100 grand in 45 minutes without you spending an extra dollar on marketing or advertising, which is basically the consultation that we do with the software to basically close a coaching client okay, but I don’t I’m not taking you to LinkedIn and then selling you coaching in a private message or via text. This is a you know 12, 24, 36, plus plus plus $1,000 sale I’m doing that over the phone or face to face I’m not doing that by a text. Can you do it via text? Can you do it private messaging? Are there people talking about that on Facebook like crazy? And the answer is yes.

But just, if you know what I mean? There’s a good chance if you don’t have 10 years experience coaching you’re gonna need the phone, zoom, or a face to face to sell $24,000 consulting, okay, so don’t don’t don’t don’t kid yourself there no matter what the influencer driving the Rolls Royce, or the Porsche, or the Lamborghini on Facebook tells you. And, and also research like how much you want to get clients on LinkedIn. Like how much research have you done? Like have you got a list of 50 local business owners that are a member of the chamber? 50 local business owners going to BNI? 50 local business owners that are networking. 50 local business owners that are buying advertising. 50 local business owners that you’d like to do business with because you’ve got experience in their niches. How much research have you done on them? Have you gone to LinkedIn and found them and had a look at your profile and have you connected with them? And have you done it on Facebook? You know, that would come back to prepare you know, you got, that’s, this is non sexy work remember Tom Brady threw the football for a very long time before he started getting paid. Right? Um, so, and again friend them on you know Instagram, friend them on Facebook, connect with them on LinkedIn, etc, you know like build your network but delayed gratification. Are you going to like friend somebody connect with somebody on LinkedIn or Facebook tomorrow? And like heard, you know today and then get clients tomorrow the answer’s no. And maybe, maybe, you’re gonna. Maybe you’re gonna be the anomaly, but I don’t play, you know, I play percentages in business not anomalies. So anyways, and you know, comment, get involved, say something noteworthy. Keep a doc, you know a Google Doc, or a Word doc or a document going where you know you’ve got really intelligent, really intelligent answers to really common questions like how to form, you know how to form a joint venture as a landscaper? They will get a really involved answer captured on a Google Doc.

And then when you’re in the landscaping group, and somebody mentions anything remotely similar to that, go and you know, boom, lay that answer down and personalize it a little bit, you know, but again, comment, get involved, say something, say something noteworthy, again, don’t be that they love vanilla, vanilla be a little bit entertaining, right? Be a little bit. Like, don’t be shy to like, make statements, I will tell you like you gotta are we talking about selling against, you know, singing Hallelujah, I’m getting together with the business owner. What I guarantee what I’m not doing is I’m not singing Hallelujah, and telling them how amazing it’s going to be. And oh, my gosh, I can’t wait to get started. This is going to be so good. Although there’s an element of that. But that’s not the frame. I’m going to the frame of Do you have a business plan? And what do you think they say? No. Do you have a marketing plan? What do you think they say? No! Excuse me? Do you have a marketing budget? What do you think they say? No! Do you have a documented sales process that I can look at? No. Are you generating leads using digital marketing? No. Are you exercising SEO? Are you don’t you know, are you? Like? Are you on the first page of Google? Probably no. Are you the top three in Google? Definitely no if they’re not on the first page? Are you? You know, SEO? Is that something that you’re spending some time on? And if you had a professional go through your website, and make sure that you’ve got the key words and the key phrases throughout your website, what you think the answer is? No. And then so little, this think of little cut, little cut, little cut, little cut, little cut, little cuts.

So when I go to ask them, Do you want a little bit of help? It would be totally against the flow of the conversation for them to say no, because there’s like, oh my gosh, you know, you need some help. Or Gala. You know, they like what the heck are you doing? So? And, okay, so on that note, there’s uh, so Zig Ziglar I believe it is. But he Zig Ziglar was, you know, a very famous speaker, he’s passed away, you know, god bless him. May he rest in peace, Zig Ziglar, great guy really enjoyed a lot of what he put out. But he would say is that back in the day, he was selling pots and pans. And then he would have people that would come and also sell pots and pans. And he knew that they were going to be successful, how? On whether or not they bought the pots and pans. They didn’t buy the pots and pans for their own family. They clearly weren’t really believing in it. And if, yeah, so they didn’t they didn’t tend to be successful. And if they did, they were! So how does that translate to you? You, you know, you need to go and find your community. Hopefully it will be ours, by the way, but you need to, you know, get into a community get into, you know, you need to be you know, buying into coaching yourself. It’s very, very important. are you sacrificing you know, your own hard earned dollars and time with coaching. So anyways, much so LinkedIn, look, you got to be consistent. Again, it’s an apple a day, if I go to your LinkedIn profile, I can tell you how well you’re doing. Right? I can just see it’s right there. And I can, and I can’t so much tell you how well you’re doing right now I’m going to tell you tell you how you’re going to do in the future because I can see the conscientiousness that consistency at which you’re posting, and that’s going to tell me how you’re doing. Right that’s that’s going to that’s going to tell me how you’re gonna do in the future and the way that you’re operating. And by the way, you do the same thing with your clients consistency beats talent.

Okay, so he had this, this is actually okay. So here’s the question. Last week, we talked about risk reversal. And then you wanted to go a little deeper do you recommend offering money back slash risk reversal when closing clients? So, so RodeDog asked me this last week and I kind of gave you know a bit of a, I answered it, but then I was like, you know what, I could have done a better job of that because I think it’s a really, it’s a question that we get stupidly consistently internally. You know, with our we’re in 49 countries and got, you know, lots and lots and lots of very high profile coaches and consultants working with us, lots of accountants and lots of business brokers and lots of folks that own networking organizations and promotional companies, etc. But again, what we do is we teach the accountant to do business consulting, we teach to promotional company to do business consulting, we teach the bookkeeper to do that’s going to small business owners to do business consulting, right? So, so my answer. So what my answer be to that? So do I like, so the answer may be yes. And no, right? Like, think of this wealth as a choice you make, not a chance you take, right? Wealth is a choice you make. Not a chance you take, right? So, if you really want to be successful with this, would you offer risk reversal? Wouldn’t, why do you want to put yourself out there? When you? Who do you want the pressure on them are you? You know what I mean? You know, wealth is a choice, you don’t become wealthy by accident, you will become super successful become a seven figure coach, without putting yourself out there a little bit. So as a frame, scarcity is quantity available, and then urgency is time available.

Both work when used properly, like scarcity and urgency are both effective marketing tactics. But you need to kind of look, they operate in different ways, let’s say that, like scarcity taps into their fear of missing out and creates a sense of exclusivity. And by the way, if you want to sell to affluent people, exclusivity is something they ask, they want to be exclusive, and they want experiences, and they want to exclusivity. So scarcity will provide that exclusivity, right. So by limiting the availability, so let’s just say business coaches, maybe you know, marketing, digital agencies, we have lots of those clients, right? Can increase personal like perceived value, and make it more desirable for the consumer or more to the point that clients to buy from them. Whereas urgency on the other hand creates, it creates a sense of immediacy and encourages people to take action now, right? Like, see if I can get like some examples. A limited time offer would be that right? Again, time availability, slash sales, this is available for X amount of time, or other limited time. Promotions, like think of McDonald’s, whenever they do a promotion, it’s always got a limited timeline, only available for X amount of time without that, oh, all the top promotions that McDonald’s do have got urgency connected to it, they have a use by date and end date, right? Do your promotions, as I say that your clients promotions have that they kind of just do it, do it peters out. And then they stop. Right? So the idea is to create a sense of urgency to motivate potential buyers to act now.

Rather than putting it off and then possibly forgetting about it, by the way. So should you offer a guarantee as a coach? Look, if you have more clients than you can handle, it’s just not necessary, right? There’s an argument to say that you don’t need a client, that’s a client that needs risk reversal to say yes is one that you just don’t need. Because you’re you’re super busy, right? That being said, if you need clients, you’re in the sandbox, and you’re willing to work hard for them. Like why wouldn’t you? Like said somebody’s got the risk, right? So why don’t you take a clients are looking to take advantage of you, right? Coaching is a very one to one personal thing. So it’s gonna be very seldom that a client that really shouldn’t be asking for their money back and got results, is going to come back and ask their money, you know, ask for their money in what we’ll call was an unfair request, right? It doesn’t, generally speaking, doesn’t happen. It does once in a while. But think about this, if you had a money back guarantee, and it got your 10 clients, and that wouldn’t have otherwise signed up. And then two of them take advantage of you, your plus eight, right? Financially, you’re a million times better off so but the mistake in life is, you know, again, we tend to think of, you know, what is it? You know, it’s pain versus pleasure, we’re significantly more fixated on the two that took advantage of us than thinking about the plus eight that we otherwise wouldn’t have got. Right? So you gotta manage your psychology. You got to have that that big, big, big, purposeful picture 25 year plan in place and I think that will help you overcome that it’s like a loss in the playoffs. It doesn’t, you think Kobe Bryant just goes you know, did did he lose in the playoffs to a team that they shouldn’t have lost to in the playoffs? And then say oh, they can just have the series? No! You know, he went to game filmy. He came back that much harder in the next game, right?

When they, when they lost in the playoffs and got knocked out. What did he do between did he still train in between the seasons? Or they say you know what, I’m packing this in this team sucks until they get some better players until they do this until they do that, you know, start making excuses? No, because he had that bigger monster, purposeful goal and picture for himself. He ran over the top of I have losses. And of course, if you know Michael Jordan, who I believe to be the ultimate athlete. Yeah, I mean, like, like, basically that was his thing, right? They lost to the Pistons, lost to the Pistons, lost to the Pistons. And he just dived in and said, look, this is not, drew a line in the sand. And so this is just not happening anymore. And if it wasn’t for those losses, Michael Jordan debatably would have never become Michael Jordan, he wouldn’t wouldn’t have won, you know, three championships in a row, retired, come back, and then won three championships in a row. Right? So, but it’s that big, purposeful monster goal, you know, do you have that yet? Like, so, okay, so I’m gonna say good operators slash good business coaches, they realize the importance of having you as in the prospect, as in the chiropractor, the dentist, the butcher, the baker, the candlestick maker, feel certain, I’m gonna put that in quotes feel certain, and therefore turn the risk on themselves, right? And then in some cases, even better than money back guarantee. So okay, so it’s not just risk reversal. Let’s see, like, let’s, let’s go to some examples, like, what about puppy dog clothes? What would that be? Look, try my coaching for 30 days, and then start paying if I’m any good? Well, if you’re super busy, and you can only take on an extra few clients, would that be a good idea? And I would dare say not. If you’re in the sandbox and just getting started. And what do you really need? You need experience, wherever you don’t need leads, you need to become unbelievable, this coach, the best business coach is the one that makes the most money. Make no mistake about it the same way that the best baseball players, the best football players, the best hockey players, the best tennis players, the best golfers, end up making the most money, right? And yes, there are nuances and injuries. But generally speaking, the cream rises to the top right.

So make no mistake about it, you don’t have a lead problem you have I need to be a better coach problem, right? Well, if you coached people for free for 30 days, guess what you’d be getting experience, right? And you’d be getting it in a frame where you gotta close them on day 31, I would dare say that, that would be a really good way for you to build up some muscle, build up some, some what are called coaching muscle, right? And then of course, you could do a money back guarantee, which is obvious. But what about a double your money back guarantee, like you pay me a grand a month and in any one month, I will pay you two times what you paid me, if you decide that this was not a favorable month in your favor, or again, you could do you know, hypothetically charge 10 grand a flat number. So you know what, at the end of 12 months, after you’ve paid off the entire 10 grand and you’ve showed up to every you know, you’ve showed up to the coaching calls, we’ve gone through this for 12 months, if you’re not satisfied, I’ll give you double your money back. I just said something very important, make sure that they follow through on the full 12 months, it’s not a double your, you know the the way that you can frame it, you can do this multiple ways. But I wouldn’t necessarily frame that up that they can decide in month 3, 4, 5, 6. That I’m no good and get double the money back, they’d have to wait for 12 months. And by the way, in 12 months, they’ve completely forgotten and moved on with their life.

If we assume that your relationship wasn’t good, I’m in no way suggesting that you should put together an offer and a double your money back guarantee and then not follow through and then hope people forget, what I am suggesting is putting some pressure on yourself so that you get some stronger coaching muscle. Right? You could work with them at no charge until they’re satisfied. Right? Like you could do that at any stage. You’re not feeling like you’re, you’re loving the relationship love and what we’re doing, I will stop charging you and I’ll keep going until you’re satisfied. Right? You know, there’s always like, you know, you don’t sell it 90 days, I’ll buy it like you’ll see that in real estate. You’ll see that with cars, you’ll see it with couches, you know, could you do the equivalent of that in coaching? Not really but that would be kind of the you know, the double your money back guarantee or like Tony Robbins will do it where you come to the event, and at the end of day one if you’re not totally satisfied. You can leave and get you know all your money back plus, I’ll pay $1,000 for your your travel expenses, right. But or, you know, like you could you’ll see this online like Frank Kern types, they’ll offer a bonus that you can keep if you exercise the money back guarantee. So that’s again better than it’s not double your money back. But it’s better than a money back guarantee where you’re able to keep the audios, keep the videos, keep the online access, keep the books, etc. Keep the knowledge that you got in the, you know, the four hour consultation. Keep the roadmap that I printed out and sent to you via my software. You get offered to donate the amount to their favorite charity if they’re not satisfied. If you feel like something’s askew you might want to do that instead. Anyway, so you know, you could offer to buy them the competitors product if they’re not satisfied with yours? I know, I used to do. You know, there’s lots of ways you could frame it up, I can keep going this is, you know, there’s a zillion different ways that you could, you could offer money back guarantee and what we’ll call risk reversal, right? I remember, I used to do a speaking event and I, what I did is I this is how I filled the rooms that are guaranteed to solve any marketing problem on the spot. I can tell you when I announced it, I was pooping my pants. I was very, very nervous.

For the first few, certainly the first one, but the first few, but you know what it was? It was simple. And the hack that I had, if you’re, you know, something along those lines, and somebody wasn’t 100% sure, and I felt like I needed to percolate a little bit, I wanted to give a better answer than what was currently in between my ears, I would just ask, I would just throw it back to them and say, look, can you go a little bit deeper on that question? Or I’d ask them to, you know, clearly define the question at a slightly higher level. So then that would give me you know, 5, 10, 30 seconds where I could, I could come up with a better answer. And I could always use the audience, anybody? So there’s my answer. I’m curious as anybody in the audience have a better answer than I have. And if you felt like you needed that, you could do that. You gotta be careful with that, because you get in with a runaway show. You gotta control, you gotta be better as a speaker, you gotta be able to control that room. But anyway, so you know, I guarantee to solve any marketing problem on the spot. I used to do that for business coaching, where I guaranteed to solve any business coaching problem on the spot. I actually turned that into a, if you wanted to listen to those, there’s a few podcast interviews where I did that.

Anyway, so bottom line, let’s get a little bit creative. Yeah, it’s just what you want is for people prospects, business owners, again, chiropractor, dentists, butcher, baker, candlestick maker, to feel certain. Right? Like, so, so provide that, right? And, and I closed like, almost 100% of the people that I sat with. And the reason my attitude was, I didn’t do my best I did whatever it took. And I again, I sold many a six figure not like, and this is back way, way, way, you know, 2000s I was selling six figure coaching business or six figure coaching deals with contingencies, etc. And I got them. And, you know, and it worked for all concerned. But, but again, I didn’t do my best I did what it, you know I mean? I didn’t do my best I did what it took, right? I question you, you are, were you willing? Are you not willing? Like so many people are not willing, I’d, Karl, I don’t cold call, but I know that person is going to fail, because they’re all fixated on themselves, right? It’s not about cold calling. Don’t think that if you don’t have, I call people because there’s something interesting to tell them when I’m doing a local live event, and it’s going to be unbelievable.

And you’re a mortgage broker, and I’ve got a high flying realtor there. I’m calling the mortgage broker not to sell them on my event or sell them, I’m selling on the fact that they should be there. Right? That’s why I’m, that’s the way you got to frame it. You got to phone people, because you got something important to say, that’s very different than a cold call, you know, their advertising and their advertising sucks. I mean, you’re doing the wrong thing to not phone them and say you need to be in my room so that I can show you a few things because that ad that you’re running, you know, I think I can dramatically tweak that. So anyways, yeah, risk reversal. I think it’s a good thing. I think it’s, you know, a matter of getting creative, do what you’re comfortable with. But again, just if you’re not comfortable with it, then I gotta send you back to school. Because if you’re not comfortable with it, that means that you’re not comfortable, you’re going to follow through no such thing as a bad student, there’s only a bad teacher, right? You’re not finding a way to get through to that business owner. Anyway, so. And again, as a frame scarcity as quantity available. Urgency is time available. I think that might be handy for you to kind of just commit to memory in terms of, way forward. But anyways, that is my time, folks. I hope that was helpful. I appreciate you guys being here. Hopefully RodeDog is feeling better, and he’ll be here next week. So appreciate you guys. That’s all I got for today. Take care. Bye bye.


Karl Bryan built profit acceleration software 2.0 to train business coaches how to find any small business owner more than 100 percent $100,000 in 45 minutes without them spending an extra dollar on marketing or advertising. This becomes a business coach’s superpower. So as a business coach, you’ll never again have to worry about working with business owners that can’t afford your high-end coaching fees. Check us out at You may also see our Business Coaching Secrets: Favorite Mindset Hack + How Much Research Required On Business Owner .