In his book “It’s Easier To 10X + Increase Your Presence,” Karl Bryan argues that traditional goal-setting methods are insufficient for achieving significant growth and success in business. Instead, he advocates for a more ambitious approach, aiming for ten times the results of a typical goal. He calls this the “10X mindset.”

Bryan emphasizes the importance of setting big, audacious goals that challenge you to think outside of your comfort zone. He encourages readers to focus on what he calls “leverage points,” the areas of their business where small changes can have a big impact. By identifying these leverage points and making strategic adjustments, he argues that businesses can achieve exponential growth. Business Coaching Secrets with Karl Bryan:  It's Easier To 10X + Increase Your Presence

The author also stresses the importance of building a strong personal brand and increasing your visibility in the marketplace. He provides practical advice on how to increase your presence, including strategies for networking, social media, and public speaking.

Throughout the book, Bryan emphasizes the importance of taking action and making bold moves. He argues that failure is an inevitable part of the growth process, and that successful entrepreneurs embrace it as an opportunity to learn and improve.

Overall, “It’s Easier To 10X + Increase Your Presence” is a motivational and practical guide for entrepreneurs looking to take their business to the next level. By adopting the 10X mindset and focusing on leverage points, readers can achieve exponential growth and build a powerful personal brand.


In “It’s Easier To 10X + Increase Your Presence,” Karl Bryan challenges traditional goal-setting methods and offers a new approach for achieving significant growth and success in business. The author advocates for the “10X mindset,” which involves setting goals that are ten times more ambitious than typical goals.

According to Bryan, the 10X mindset is necessary for achieving exponential growth in business. He argues that traditional goal-setting methods are too conservative and limit entrepreneurs’ potential for success. By aiming for ten times the results of a typical goal, entrepreneurs can think bigger and achieve greater success.

The author emphasizes the importance of identifying “leverage points,” which are areas of a business where small changes can have a big impact. By focusing on these leverage points and making strategic adjustments, entrepreneurs can achieve exponential growth.

Bryan also stresses the importance of building a strong personal brand and increasing visibility in the marketplace. He provides practical advice on how to increase your presence, including strategies for networking, social media, and public speaking.

Throughout the book, the author encourages readers to take action and make bold moves. He argues that failure is an inevitable part of the growth process, and that successful entrepreneurs embrace it as an opportunity to learn and improve.

Bryan also provides examples of successful entrepreneurs who have adopted the 10X mindset and achieved exponential growth in their businesses. These examples illustrate the power of thinking big and taking bold action.

In addition to offering practical advice and motivational insights, “It’s Easier To 10X + Increase Your Presence” also challenges readers to think differently about their goals and their approach to business. The author’s emphasis on the 10X mindset and the importance of taking bold action provides a valuable perspective for entrepreneurs looking to achieve exponential growth and build a powerful personal brand.


Announcer  00:02

Welcome to Business Coaching secrets with Karl Bryan! If you want to attract new high-end coaching clients, fill live events, and build a wildly profitable coaching practice where business owners pay, stay, and refer, you come to the right place! In this podcast, Karl provides his keys to the kingdom for finding and signing high paying clients and building the coaching business of your dreams. Here we go!

RodeDog  00:43

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls coaches around the world! Welcome to another episode of business coaching secrets. It’s your boy the RodeDog here with none other than, the king of the Caribbean, the guy who always seems to be on steroids, Karl Bryan, welcome to the show shoots.

Karl Bryan  00:59

Shoots, I’ve been doing a lot of push ups by the way lately. Speaking of steroids, here you go. 

RodeDog  01:06

Everything is on steroids, right? That’s your go to, if we had to play Karl Bryan bingo. Like, that would be a lot of fun!

Karl Bryan  01:13

Shoots that might shoots said about Karl Bryan by the go. 

RodeDog  01:24

You be playing up the middle of the board. It would have little red arrow you’re here. That’d be right.

Karl Bryan  01:30

Good, nice. Nice. Read a list. Anyhow,

RodeDog  01:34

I wanted to touch on something we briefly chatted about in the pre-show we, you, you were helping one of your focus members. Just get some clarity around, just for a client of his. And you said something to me. There’s something there that that struck me and that was like, you took their 200,000 of revenue. And you’re like, I want to see something for 2 billion, right? Like you just do 10x it. And I’ve always heard Dan Sullivan talking about it’s a lot easier to 10x than it is to 2x. Can you get into that just first that in terms of what-why? Why is it easy to go that much bigger? Because is it not more intimidating to go that big?

Karl Bryan  02:17

Nice, that is a great question, by the way, and I know exactly you’re talking about in fact, that’s uhm, I’m surprised to use 10x because when you say 10x, everybody thinks of Grant Cardone. And by the way, if you love Grant Cardone, or you hate Grant Cardone, the man is a billionaire, it’d be crazy not to learn from him. He’s not my, you know, I don’t like that hustle, grind Yeti, Yeti, Yeti. But anyways uhm, so yeah, I’m surprised he did 10x. But he’s he uhm, he just talks about it’s easier. I’m not an expert, I have not read the book, I don’t really know much about it. Fan of Dan Sullivan, by the way, but don’t I’d be exaggerating grossly to say that I’m familiar with this stuff. So I’m gonna give my answer and I got no idea what he would say. But I would just say that, like when you start. Look, if you want to look your greatest successes come through other people. If you want to bring, these are just some internal conversations that I’m having, like with our staff and whatnot, and like management. And like, people want to they want to be in, they want to be you know, I don’t want to sound cheesy here, right? But people they want to be led, right? They will tell you that they want to lead but the truth is they want to be led. Do you want to be led by somebody who’s talking about, you know, a 10% improvement, talking about, you know, something, you know, insig, not insignificant, but something that is moderate in terms of if it actually happens, or do you want to be talking to somebody who’s like, crushing it, killing it, maybe I’m off the top of my head and example. I’ve got one business coach that’s really pumped up and they’re going to go to the chamber and they’re going to do a local live event. And they’re really excited about it and they’re talking to you about it, right? And that’s coach A, and then Coach B is talking about how he’s developed a framework a game plan, and he is 100 commit, percent committed and or she is 100% committed, that they are running a local live event at 7am, at the Chamber of Commerce, every Tuesday come hell or high water. Uhm, no vacations, no interruptions, no anything for 365 days, like for an entire year. Because their goal is to not just run a local live event but it is to, it is to elevate the consciousness of the average local business owner because their fear is their experiences, the statistics say that local business owners are falling over all the time. And I know some business owners that have failed, and I know about the separations, I know about the divorces because remember, marriages break up from lack of money over lack of love, times a million, absolute fact, right? Uhm, so, that you know to they’re in suicides, the depression, you know, the drugs, you know, like, again, drugs, alcohol, fall into it when somebody’s not doing well in business, what do they do? They start drinking more, or smoking more marijuana or heaven forbid anything worse than that. So that’s the reason that I am doing an event every week for 365 days, every single week, I am foregoing any holiday that will interrupt that, and if I do decide to go on a holiday with my family, which by the way you should, but what you’re going to do is you’re going to bring in a guest coach, but what will not happen is that on any one Tuesday at 7am, unless they lock me out, for whatever reason, there will be an event, right? A bit long, but which coach, are you inspired by? Which coach, do you feel, uhm, led by? Which coach, would you be willing to follow? Coach A, trying to knock together a presentation and hoping to get you know, 12 people, or Coach B with a vision of purpose, dogmatic determination, so, so I think that what Dan would be talking about, or anybody would be talking about that would say 10x is easier than 2x is that, you know, just everything elevates when you start talking in that manner. And then by the way, so Coach A remembers is trying to get to what do they say 12 people, and then Coach B, is going to fill a local live event every single Tuesday, which one’s going to be thinking at a higher level, which one’s going to have higher distinctions, which one is going to be woken up at 3am? Uhm, with oh, my gosh, right, and have to go to their notepad and write something down. Go I mean, like, don’t worry about typing, there’s time to sleep when I’m dead. Now is not the time because this particular thought, about filling my room, about converting in my room, about fulfilling on the coaching commitments that I’m going to put together, I gotta go write this down, and I am willing, if I can’t get back to sleep for a couple hours, life will go on, but I cannot live without writing this down. Because this will make a difference in filling my room and inspiring those individuals, uhm, to think, act, uhm, and do business at a higher level. So, so that’s what I think. Yeah, and then, okay, I just RodeDog, want to throw it back to you. But I want you to pretend that you are the president of the chamber, or you’re the number one salesperson at the Chamber, uhm, who’s, you know, privy to these events, and maybe supporting these events, or watching these events or just seeing them unfold? Again, which of the two coaches is going to inspire you at a higher level? And I don’t need to know mainly, it’s very obvious, right? So I just, I think it just look, you gotta, you gotta uhm, you gotta be thinking it like, you know, thinking problem solving and operating at a significantly higher level, and everything becomes easier. People start following you, remember how I started? Your greatest success has come through other people. That’s not necessarily your secretary or your your virtual assistants or your salesperson or your coach. That’s the people around you. That’s your clients, referring people to you. That’s the Chamber of Commerce, the Chamber of Commerce president, uhm, actually coming to your event. That’s the, the chamber of the board. What am I saying? The Chamber of Commerce, the head of, the president, encouraging the accountant to come to your 13th, 13th event. Because you know what? This person is really putting on a show. They do a great job, everybody leaves, uhm, excited, etc. So, so shoots, that’s my answer. What do you think?

RodeDog  08:30

I’ve never heard of the Chamber of the Commerce before, but it sounds really, that’s awesome.

Karl Bryan  08:35

Whatever! No, like, what am I saying? His chairman? I don’t know, anyways, there you go. That’s it. 

RodeDog  08:42

Love it. Uhm, listen, the other piece. It’s interesting, because we actually had a question about this. Someone wrote in asking about increasing their ability to be present. I think that that’s so powerful as well, like, it’s like, yes, you can have, you set your goals, you set your targets, whatever it is, but it’s also being present within those and just keeping your level of presence about you. And if you make a reference at any point in this answer of, you know, for my birthday, all I want is your presence, your presence, I’m literally gonna kick you like, go harder next time I see you but can you talk about increasing presence and talk to me more about that? Or do we lose you? Just like that, Karl Bryan. His whole script was hit was off what’s happening there, but he is he is MIA all of a sudden. Oh, my gosh, hang on. He probably self muted himself, folks. Technology is not Karl’s friend. Let me just give him a quick message. Uhm, there we go. Where are you? He’s still here. Where is he? Did you self mute yourself? Yeah. Where’d you go? 

Karl Bryan  10:00

Test test test. 

RodeDog  10:01

Yes. Yes, you’re back. 

Karl Bryan  10:04

Can you hear me? 

RodeDog  10:06

How can you not hear me? 

Karl Bryan  10:09

Try that? You there? 

RodeDog  10:10

Hold on? I’ve been here the whole time.

Karl Bryan  10:14

Can you hear me here? I can hear you. 

RodeDog  10:17

Yes. Oh, sorry. 

Karl Bryan  10:21

That was super awkward. 

RodeDog  10:22

Yes, it

Karl Bryan  10:23


RodeDog  10:23

It’s like, I rip you and then ask you the question, then you just leave. I’m like, that’s amazing. Yes. You know what, that’s not being present. But that’s amazing.

Karl Bryan  10:32

Okay, can you just ask the question again, shoots, can you, please?

RodeDog  10:36

I can find the question. I guarantee. It’s not going to be the same amazing setup that I had. Because that was, look,

Karl Bryan  10:45

I know, because I was loud. I was talking back Okay, cool. But hit me shoots and…

RodeDog  10:50

Alright. So, so the deal is someone wrote in asking about increasing their ability to be present. Right? So can you share with us? Maybe like a little bit just about maybe presence in general, but at the same time, maybe how do you stay present? How about that?

Karl Bryan  11:07

Shoots, nice answer. And uhm, er, it’s a nice, nice, nice question. Shoots, okay, uhm. You don’t. Look if you want to, look, okay, presence, uhm, if you want to slow down time, here’s a hack, be present. And I know some people that are entering their 40s entering their 50s. Maybe entering their 60th decade or six decade that would be, but in their 70s, do you know what I mean? And they want to slow down time a little bit, a hack is to give it your presence. You know, not always thinking about you know, the future the past Yeti, Yeti, Yeti. In fact, I said this somewhere, you know what the greatest gift that you can give at Christmas, is uhm, to give somebody your presence, and I think shoots, just earlier, which isn’t gonna make the podcast, because we had a little audio issue, that you said, if I mentioned on your birthday, I was going to give you my presence as my present. You’re gonna kick my butt. So there it is, just for giggles. Uhm, but you know what I mean? Like, yeah, ultimately be present. That’s what you want to be doing. Right? Like, okay, so then you go, okay. Define presence. What is it? Right? Like you’re with the client, you want to be present. You with your kids, you want to be present, you’re with your spouse, you want to be present, like, think about them. You know, like, you’re a football fan. It is the Super Bowl, or it’s the Rose Bowl, whatever your shtick is, right? But let’s assume you’re a massive NFL fan, you’re watching the Superbowl, it’s a tie game. And there’s a minute to go, and your team’s playing, by the way, right? Think of your level of presence, your phone rings, and what do you do? You possibly don’t even hear it? You 100% ignore it. Uhm, if anybody even looks at it as just like this, you know, hand up not interested. Or maybe another example, you’re in a NASCAR,  driving a NASCAR in a NASCAR race, and I got no idea they’re going 200 miles an hour. Uhm, you know, there’s 20 other cars around you going up and down. You know, you’re trying to take inside, you’re trying to take outside, you’re speeding down the straightaway, think of your level of presence behind that wheel. Uhm, and at any stage a mistake could do what? And that’s cost you dearly, like potentially your life, right? Well, you’re driving that car, uhm, it’s a minute to go in the Superbowl with your team playing in a tie game, you’re not checking emails, you’re not checking your phone, uhm, you’re not looking looking around, you’re not wondering what other people are looking at you or what they might be thinking or what they’re wearing whatever it might be, you’re just totally present. So, I do think that some folks, you know, you think about being present, you just think about being in like the moment, but I think that when you understand that and like that’s the level that you want to get to if you were with your client, and you were Super Bowl last minute of play, tie game, you’re playing, your team playing, uhm, that level of presence. Do you think things you think you might catch up? You might catch something that otherwise might have gone miss? Do you think he might have a higher level of distinction? Do you think your critical thinking skills might be a little bit better than if you weren’t? Right? So, so uhm, yeah, shoots, so that’s what I would, uhm, that’s what I’d say and then just, okay, so you’re a business coach, how do you use that, like, you’re gonna go to a networking group, and what’s the problem? Like you’re either, you’re fixated on I don’t want to get locked in on a conversation. I don’t want to get locked in the conversation with the wrong person. I don’t want to get locked in on one conversation and miss out on six or seven others, right? Don’t do that. You know, just go engage with the one individual and just be present. You know, you’re with your coaching client, like I said a minute ago. Lock in your with a prospect, and somebody who you’d like to take to the next step, instead of thinking, I think what happens, RodeDog, like in a session in a sales environment, right? It’s like how do I get this guy or this gal to the next step? I don’t you know what I mean? Like so you’re what do they say? Like you’re, you’re listening just to respond versus listening to understand. There’s a popular saying out there that something like that? No doubt you get the idea. Right? But, but the bottom even like this podcast again, like, what are you doing? You know what I mean? Are you driving? Or are you like, you know, are you here with RodeDog and I and dialed in, right? And if you were here to learn, and the goal was to get a distinction, and uhm, hopefully we’re dropping them, right? But you know, you want to be present doing three things and this podcast, you might not get the value that you’re looking for. So, uhm, I actually wrote down, let me finish with this, right, I got a very good friend, uhm, he actually does some work with us. But end of the day, he’s been in the room with me, one-to-one with Tony Robbins, one-to-one with Brendon Burchard, one-to-one with some like legit heavyweights in the space and what he will say to you, uhm, and he has said to me, he goes Tony Robbins and he puts Brendon Burchard in a similar camp, I don’t know, you know, whatever. And again, you love these guys, you don’t like these guys, to not learn from them would be a ghastly mistake, in my opinion. And he said that here’s, here’s let’s just use Tony Robbins as the example. His gift, what he would call, I believe his greatest gift is that you can be in a room with a thousand people or more, but let’s just go a thousand people, uhm, and be in a conversation with Tony Robbins, you and him, and he has got a power for you, uhm, to feel like you were the only person in that room and the only person that he is interested in engaging with but the entire time that you speak to him. And then by the way, you will finish your conversation and he will do it in a very, you know, shaking of the hands staring in the eyes again, very, very when he you know, present. And then he’ll go to the next person and make them feel exactly the same. Uhm, I dare say that most people don’t have that skill. And just think about again, what are they doing? They’re looking over your shoulder looking at someone else, you’re sitting there, you know, having a beer, having dinner, whatever, they’re, you know, constantly looking to the left to the right, who’s there who’s doing what, they’re just totally not present, right? And, and I would dare say, you know that that that is a mistake. Like, I believe that what I just described like that. I think that’s a really good question. And like the presence I would put it up there with a superpower and over again, and assuming that, uhm, you know, Tony Robbins is pretty damn good at this whole coaching thing. Well, if that’s his superpower, it might be one that you want to adopt. There’s a saying Bob Marley, uhm, or make a meal on us but it’s like, don’t live, don’t, don’t, er, don’t live for your presence to be noticed, live for your absence to be felt. That’s Bob Marley. And just think about that. You know what I mean? Like, like live for your, you want your absence to be felt over your presence being noticed. I think that this got huge, huge power. I remember meeting just Marty McSorley, Wayne when Wayne Gretzky got traded to the LA Kings. The one thing he said look, I’m willing to get traded, go to LA, Marty here playing for the Oilers, one condition. Marty McSorley, who is believed to this day his best friend, but his best friend then for sure, super, super close, his protector by the way, Marty, Wayne Gretzky was, you know, no doubt, you know, but like amazing, amazing hockey player, goals assisted, more assists than anybody else ever had points in the history of the NHL, which is insane. Uhm, but anyways, Marty McSorley so you know, that, you know, spent a lot of time with Marty McSorley. And he also wrote RodeDog,had that ability there’d be people everywhere and he was just so engaged you know with me, uhm, you know, just the people around me the kids when you signing autographs I mean, just unbelievable guy. So anyways, shoots, uhm, presence, with your prospects with your coaching clients with the people when you’re doing a live event. That’s why you need to have a script and you know what you want to know what you’re going to be saying. You don’t want to be thinking about what you’re going to be saying next. What you want to be able to do is tonality, uhm, you know what I mean? Like, concentrating on the audience and their reactions and their non reactions and their body language etc. So shoots, that’s how I got man, but I great question. Uhm, do your coaching like it’s the last minute of the Super Bowl, uhm, and your team’s playing and it’s a tie game and I think that you’d get presence at a high level shoots. So that’s what I got. 

RodeDog  20:03

You know, I gotta say, because we hear it a lot, right? Like, uhm, I don’t want to sound like a robot. I don’t want to read from a script, blah, blah. But like, it’s always the same argument. I remember when I was selling life insurance, and I had my presentation down of like, hey, here’s the difference between term permanent and universal life. And like, I had this locked in like, and it was probably 20 ish minutes long, right? Yep, I had it so memorized. I was literally watching their body language. I was literally watching, you know, their facial expressions, like everything, like I knew exactly how the meeting was going. And that, to me, is a level of presence, right? Like, imagine if you’re that good at doing your presentations, that you know the exact person you’re going to ask the next question too, because you know that they’re ready for it. Like just having that presence while you’re presenting. I think it’d be a superpower. So 

Karl Bryan  21:03

Nice, that, RodeDog There you go shoots, though. 

RodeDog  21:08

So, now with that this, this next question that came in is, uh, this is awesome, like, because I have been reading the book The Psychology of Money. And, uhm, this kind of leads into it, because there’s a chapter on compounding and just the the, obviously the power of it. But the question goes, you always talk about doubling a penny for 31 days and ending up with about $10 million. Can you accelerate the power of compounding, wait for it, in a coaching relationship? That is, that is a powerful question. So is there a way that you can take, because, you know, like, yeah, you’re you’re you’re doubling every day, and you’re compounding, is there a way to accelerate that, and especially with another human in a relationship?

Karl Bryan  22:03

Uhm, I love it. And again, Einstein referred to compounding is the eighth wonder of the world. But that exact like this question, so it happens in everything, right? Not just money. So again, it literally in the question, we had double a penny for 31 days, anybody is not aware, right? It’s 10, proximately 10 million. But the magic is that all the magic, and let’s say the massive numbers start on like day 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 . Right. So just complementary to this, and I’ve said that lots of times, but I’ll say it here, the challenge is that it’s day 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, for so long, you’re not feeling it, you’re not feeling it, you’re not feeling you’re not feeling just like going to the gym, right? You don’t feel you don’t feel it, you don’t feel you don’t feel it, and all of a sudden the pounds start to drop off. But most people give up before they get to the point where it drops off, you know, people take on a real estate career right? They’re, they’re going, they’re going they’re going there. Day 15, 16,  15, 16, 15, 16, 16, 16, I’m not feeling it, I’m quitting, right, and I’m gonna go do something else. And then they do it again, and then wonder why they don’t get anywhere. Right? The secret is to go into real estate and commit for a decade, similar to how we answered, we talked recently, right? But you gotta go all all all in, right that 20 year, uhm, you know, 20x kind of way of thinking and expressing yourself. Nobody’s going to be inspired by somebody who take something on for 90 days, hoping it’ll work, right. It’s just, it’s just so lame, but least, least of which are the the one person you gotta lead is you, right? So if you’re thinking, I’m gonna go into this for 90 days, and hope I make enough money to continue to go. You’re just not inspiring yourself. Right? But anyway, so compounding also, Warren Buffett made 90% of his money after the age of 60. So again, if he died at the age of 62, horrifically, he would just be like, you know, the average millionaire, multi-millionaire from Omaha, that like nobody knew of and he just passed away and nobody else, you know what I mean? Like he just wouldn’t have been Warren Buffett, not even not even close, and he will tell you that right? So the trick is to live to 90 Plus, compounding will be your friend so. So yes, okay. So I get to answer this question here, compounding, a coaching relationship. As a frame, your brain is designed uhm, to protect you not to take risks, not to take action, right to keep you safe. That’s its primary objective. That’s why people say maybe so often, by the way, there’s like, Oh, what if something goes wrong, what it goes when it goes wrong, what if something goes wrong, and that’s why when selling you’ve got a really, really stack and make a really good case to go forward? Uhm, you can’t just do that at the end. You got I mean, needs to be a compounding kind of thing. Uhm, but I think he’s so you know, they’re, you know, understanding that as a concept I think is powerful. Uhm, so let me so small, I’m just trying to think, okay, so if I was going to, because unfortunately, in order to get the day 31, I gotta go, I gotta start at day one, right? So like, small daily habits over time is ho w you get compounding again, go to the gym, go to the gym once, twice, three times, you’re getting nowhere, go once a week, and I say just stay on the couch and eat potato chips, go every day for 30 days and work different parts of your body, you’re gonna start to get somewhere and you do that for 90 days, and I guarantee everything starts working better, right, so to get those big results, it’s going to start with small daily actions. And then you need to track it like RodeDog, you go to the gym like a madman, uhm, you know, you’re running marathons that sort of stuff, you’re always try see it on Facebook, like you’re always tracking your progress. So to make progress, you got to track those actions and those results. Otherwise, what could happen is you go to the gym, and if you do, you know, 50 pounds, 10 reps every single time. Look, that’s better than staying home. But if you go 52 pounds, and then 54 pounds, and you do 10, 11, 12, 13. And then once you get the 15, what do you do you elevate the weight. So you go back to 10, right. So by tracking all of that, monitoring your progress, that is going to allow you, it’s going to allow you to progress further. But really what it’s going to do from you know, psychologically, because you’re tracking it, you’re going to actually be able to celebrate those wins again, what people do the reason they don’t get compounding, they quit real estate and they quit sales. And they quit coaching and they quit the online course and they quit generating leads and they quit going to the networking group and they quit doing their local live events because they’re not tracking anything. And they’re not realizing that, although they didn’t get the results they were looking for. Or maybe they got way better results, by the way, but let’s assume that somebody that was thinking about giving it away, they didn’t actually give themselves a chance to win because the scoreboard was only like, imagine if you went to a football game, and the scoreboard only showed the score for the home team the score for the away team, it wouldn’t be telling the whole story, right? Like you want, uhm, gonna mean like, you know, yard you know, just think about football scoreboard that then that time being important in the quarter being important, right? Like you need to know where you’re at. Anyway. So I think that that would help people get to where they want to go. And in fact, again, is a frame thing that we were talking about the Super Bowl a minute ago, big problem with getting massive results. So let’s call that compounding. Like, the local sports team wins and you go nuts, and you sell you know, right now the NHL playoffs are going on. And I’m watching the games and you know who who and you know, on Facebook and yada yada yadi, uhm, and it’s like, you know, you if I’m going to you know, rip roaring for the Toronto Maple Leafs, which is my team. And maybe for you it’s the Yankees or for you, it’s the Cowboys or for you, it’s the Patriots, whoever it is, or it’s Manchester United. Do it, you know what I mean, do that for you. You know what I mean? Like it. But if you don’t have a scoreboard and you’re not keeping score, I just don’t think that you’re gonna day 15, 16, it’s going to feel like it’s going to go forever. So you never get that day 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 compounded growth, right? And by the way, so with that. Do you want to know, here’s bad news, right? Do you know what the reward for reaching the next level is for you? And for me and for RodeDog? And for anybody? Unfortunately, it’s a desire for the next level. So that is why you’re like, why don’t I have those wins? Why don’t I celebrate those wins? Why am I not acknowledging those wins? Because you’re not having them? Because all that’s happening is your next level is just a desire for the next level. And then what happens when you get to that level? Then next level? Right? So so um, yeah, you got to encourage them, like, you know, again, measuring things scoreboard, uhm, and surrounding themselves with positive influences. Again, what happens, remember, your, you want your your brains goal for you is to stay safe. And then guess what your goal is for those that you love to stay safe. Uhm, so what do people do to entrepreneurs generally, stay safe, stay safe, you’re gonna, you’re gonna overwhelm yourself, you’re gonna burn out, right? We hear all the time, you’re working too hard, you need balance, and like that is horse pucky. If you’re an entrepreneur in your core, and you’ve got big goals and think about the way that I described the person that was going to run the local live event every week for 365 days, 52 weeks come hell or high water, like, that’s what’s really going to juice people. You want to inspire your kid, you want to lead your kid you want to, you know, inspire those around you and your spouse. That’s how you do it. You don’t I mean? Ain’t go and pull that off and then have a holiday next year. And and again, I don’t want to be the hustle and grind guy like Gary Vee and Grant Cardone, because I began, I don’t, I believe that your dreams are bigger on vacation. And that’s a good thing. And that’s why you should be take not taking a vacation is a bad idea. But that being said, I also believe that there’s a time and a place for everything. And if you’re, if your airplane is on the tarmac, unfortunately, you got to do some work to get it up. You know, so, so what? That’s a little, you just got to take that you got to build your roadmap, how do you do that? Talk about Dan Sullivan, I know this is like you got to think out 25 years, and then you got to go back 10 years, and you go five years, and you go three years need to go one year. And then you gotta go three quarters, two quarters this quarter, as in 90 days, and then go back this month, and then this week, and then this day, and then tomorrow. And then the question is if you set that roadmap alight, like what does your 25-year plan, totally coincide with your 10-year plan in your 5-year planning your 3-year plan, and then your today plan and your this month plan, they all need to coalesce, they all need to complement one another, right? So positive, you know, surround yourself with people who are positive. And one of the ways to make people around you more positive and more supportive is to be inspirational. Again, think of the way that we started this podcast. And then shoots I don’t know, compounded just like it’s nobody wants to hear it. It’s boring as hell. And it’s like bland, it’s vanilla, but consistency, right? That’s the key to success. It’s why every, uhm, every small town is filled with athletes that were bigger, stronger, faster, better than the guys that made the NFL that made the PGA tour that, you know, we’re playing at Wimbledon, that are playing at the Stanley Cup playoffs, that are playing for the you know, the World Series. They’re playing cricket at the highest level, uhm, you know, playing for Manchester United, playing for England playing at the World Cup. Right? So, so that consistency, that’s it, you know, it’s small hinges big doors? What are those small hinges that takes critical thinking that’s take sticking? It’s a step backwards to take multiple forwards, right and, and by the way, shoots, uhm, you know, so again, somebody wants compounding is all well, and good to say, look, I want these compounding results. And I want to have these events. And I want 1000 people in the audience and I want this and I want that. Show me your calendar. And I’ll show you your priorities. And by the way, show me your bank account and your credit card statements, and I can also show you your priorities. Where are you spending, uhm,  your dough and where are you spending your time and doing a little bit of reverse engineering doing that for your client. Doing that for you. Doing that for those around you that you’re trying to inspire? Might be a good thing. So shoots, uhm, that’s the answer, man. But unfortunately, it’s kind of boring compounding is doubling a penny every day for 31 days. It’s consistency in its daily habits and its daily rituals and one step in front of the other. It’s how do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. So it’s my answer shoots. 

RodeDog  33:14

Okay, uhm, the thing that’s just coming into my mind right now is just like live events, right? It’s like, so you want to do, let’s just pick that one. So you’re gonna do a live event and you want to compound that. Great. So how many people came last week? One, zero. Okay, so what did you do right now? It’s just like what? I guess it’s also finding what’s the one or two things that you can improve upon? Right? Like, are you? Are you looking back at your presentation? Are you again, like just to tie basically this whole podcast together? Are you present enough to know what you need to change? When you are talking to people or presenting to people? Are you are you aware of of what that could be? Are you testing new things to see whether or not you can get a better result? Uhm, you know, like if you’re doing a live event, well, how did you fill the room last week? Okay, so what worked? What didn’t work? How can you? How can you multiply the effort of what did work? Right? I think there’s some, some nuggets there, too. It’s just but the problem is, you know, you go into it, and it’s like, so for me last week, literally I did. I’ve done what four events over the past couple of weeks. I kind of threw together one. I literally had one person show up for my first one, like, wow, how disappointing, right? Yeah, but is that it? I say? Yeah, no, screw it. I’m not doing it again. No. So like, I’m planning on doing live events every single week right now. Because I decided I’m going to, you know, have the capacity to take on seven new clients. So I’ll take on seven new clients. And I will not stop until I’m there. And as a matter of fact, I’m not going to stop when I hit seven because I know that odds are good. We all lose clients And as much as it Carl knows from me personally, I take that stuff very seriously. And it’s just I take it very personally. And which was, by the way, I remember that we’re sitting on the on the deck at the DL. And I just lost a client. And I was so upset about it, I took it so personally, and you were just like, buddy, this is great look at like, look at how much you care for your clients. And that was like, oh, right. So anyway, just don’t stop. Right. Like, it’s just how can you improve? Okay, so I had one person show up, they’re great. So what am I going to do for the next one to make sure I get two? Righ? Already a huge increase. So that’s it.

Karl Bryan  35:46

Remember, you want to be educated, and people want to be entertained, right? So not just thinking like the conflict that content, here’s the reality, your content, if your content is next level, next, next, next next level, it is going to get easier and easier and easier and easier to fill that room because what will happen is word will get out. Uh, and you will have those rooms up and you will have those rooms filled story back in the day doing the exact same thing I’m doing live events is how I met my wife, my you know, I met my wife at a nightclub to do to do to do I was like, hey, want to come help me with an event? She comes to help me with the event? Again, I can’t remember but the room hell, I can’t remember long time held 20 people, let’s say 45 people showed up standing room only, no joke. And you just you can imagine that the vibe, the energy everything? Well, I gotta tell you, and that wasn’t like my second or third event. Like I was doing event after event after event after event. Well, each time, right? I’m doing what RodeDog said, you know, I’m thinking about my content. I’m upping my… What am I upping? Is it platitude? No, I want to improve my content. Look, I want better examples. I want better stories. I want better metaphors. I want better jokes. I want to make people laugh. I want to engage people at a higher level. Right? And then how do you go about doing those things and break them down? And by the way, you know, when you think of entertainment, it’s not just about music and jokes and people laughing, right? It’s like, believe me, like, when Tony Robbins talks to you and you feel like you were the only person in the entire place. You know, that is engaged with them. And that’s his superpower. Who do you think is talking him? Or you? And you’d be your instincts are correct the answer? Is you not him. He’s asking questions. He’s listening to what you’re saying. He’s watching your body language, your tonality? Yeah, I mean, again, he’s doing what Tony Robbins does? And then the next question is based on what you said, and how you say it. And that’s part of how you feel like you’re the only person in the room right? Question, are you doing that? So, engaging? So when you’re doing your presentation, uhm, engaging, and not that you want to have the audience doing 80% of the talking and that dynamic. That’s not what you want to actually because you don’t I mean, very different dynamic. But you do want to be doing 80% of the talking and have them then doing what? 20% of the talking. How do you do that? By engaging the audience, uhm, and then making sure that it doesn’t become a runaway train, because you want to engage the audience, but you got to keep control. How do you do that, frankly, takes a little bit of experience, and you got to have somebody starts talking and they’re kind of waffling a little bit, you got to be comfortable cutting them off and go, look, that’s really good. So tell me what was the end result? So perfect. Give me Give me what was your name again, Dave gave birth give Dave a hand. Awesome, Dave, thank you, and then boom, and then you just continue talking, despite the fact in that dynamic. Dave wants to keep talking. Uhm, that’s just not an option you got, you know, I mean, a curriculum to get through and you’re gonna get through it. Anyway, so, so, audience engagement, audience participation, like everybody RodeDog, so you start the event, and everybody to stand up. And then they all you know, I want you to move around the room and meet some of your fellow participants. With 1,000,000% certainty, you will say that and you will hear a bit of a groan. And you don’t need to read the mind. You can tell by the body language, you’re like, oh, I hate this part of it. But you know what the truth is, that ends up being, if not their favorite part, absolutely one of their favorite parts. Because for whatever reason, they’re they’re moving around the room. And again, that’s that goes for the introverts, and that’s not for the extroverts. That’s for the introverts and the extroverts. They like that part of it. And by the way, what will often happen is they will meet that, you know, part of what you’d probably be talking about is partnerships, joint ventures, etc. Well, there’s a pretty good chance that the person they met could be a really good joint venture because the universe does weird things and these types of dynamics they’ve gotten to try grow their business and then it’s a realtor sitting beside the mortgage broker and the mortgage broker sitting beside the, the realtor you know, it’s the gym sitting beside the personal trainer and the personnel personal trainer sitting with aside the guy who owns or the gal that owns the gym, so, so anyways, yeah, RodeDog, again, don’t take, you know what I mean, do not give yourself a pass, knowing your content, that’s great. I want to push you to make it better and better. And I mean, like, just make the content awesome. And then how do you do that? At day 12, 13, 14, for a long time, don’t think that you’re going to do three events, and be amazing. And by the way, you might be amazing. And maybe you’re just an absolute natural, but if you’re an absolute natural and you’re amazing in your third event, imagine how good you’re going to be on your 30th if you use critical thinking in this process, that RodeDog defines where you know, you’re reverse engineering everything and, and looking to jack up your examples, your metaphors, your stories, your jokes, your audience engagement, your audience participation, etc. So, and road Dogg before I throw it back to you one other thing too. So road dogs doing a presentation, let’s assume there’s going to be 12 people in the room. One is an accountant. Okay, again, telling you very important. Well, here’s what happens when a public speaker is done. You get up and you got an hour onstage, hypothetically. And let’s assume there’s 100 people in the audience. A lot of speakers, they get offstage and guess who’s the most popular person in the room for a short period of time until the next speaker comes up? Or maybe you’re the only one. So you’re gonna be very, very popular. When you walk off that stage, you’ll never be as popular assuming you’re doing a bang up job. You’ll never be as popular as you are for the 10 minutes after you walk offstage. Alright, question, what are you doing when you walk off stage? Right? You’re going to take a pee, right? But this is not the time when you think 80-20. Uh, remember, 80-20, again, 80-20 dictates that when you’re operating in the 20, you’re 16 times as powerful as you are when you’re just doing your day-to-day tasks without a strategic thought, right? But remember, there’s 80-20, and then you put a magnifying glass over the 20, and then a magnifying glass over that 20, and then a magnifying glass over that 20, and then that 20, and you end up at 150. So there’s like 1%. Fifth, like there’s one, not just looking for 80-20s. But looking for 150s. And I just said so there’s an accountant in that room. That’s a 150 for RodeDog. And then remember when he finishes his presentation, when does he have the most power? And the first 10 minutes after he talks? Who should he find a way to engage when he’s finished his talk? And you’d be correct. Find a way to get that accountant shake his hand, shake her hand. Say hello, in a really humble, you know, humility is a superpower, right? So you don’t want to be like pumping your chests like oh, wow, how amazing. Was that? The exact opposite? Oh, wow. Yeah, I mean, like, and how would I know that that one individual is an accountant? Well, hopefully you just know, well, because I did my homework before the event started. What’s that? I prepared, I respected my audience. So I go to the list and say, Okay, what are the 12 people coming? And I go, and then I go to their LinkedIn profile, go to their personal Facebook page, link with link up with them. Friend them on Facebook, and I’m looking at their photo, and I’m doing my best to remember hey, Judy, looks like this. Dave, the plumber looks like this. Look, are you gonna be perfect? No. But would you have? If you printed those if you printed off a photo of each of them? And then you uhm, you know it had their names beside it? Would you have a better chance of remembering everybody? If you did that? Would that be preparing at a higher level? Would that be respecting the audience at a higher level? I tell you before business coaching mastery, and if I’ve ever so here’s what I do. Craig McLane worked with me for 13, 14 years, he knows, business coaching mastery is happening. One of his first jobs is to create a, like a just, you know, I got the number of pieces of paper gonna be lots of people there. But like everybody’s photo, and then their name, their photo, and then their name. And then I look at that list, and I asked everybody to do it. But I can tell you that I absolutely do it. And often I hear how do you know everybody’s name? Because I knew your name before you got there. I knew their name. And then here’s a funny one. So a lot of the time the photo is from some time ago, so they don’t quite look like their photo looks. And I’m like hang on a minute. You lost some hair dude from that photo that I got printed, but, but anyway, so that’s what I don’t know. That’s what I’m doing. And by the way, I don’t have it all worked out. And but that is something that I absolutely do and something that I’d be encouraging you guys to do. What did I just do? You know, again, it’s at 20. It’s 150. Road Dogg wants to prepare, elevate his ultimately wants to elevate his results, right. These are some of the things that I’ve been thinking about some of the things that I would be doing some frameworks that I’d be going into that event with but remember I would never go into an event with anything, I would be going into a series of events that would look a lot like at minimum 10, ideally 52, uhm, whereby I was hell bent on exactly what I’m going to do exactly why I’m going to do it. I would talk about that regularly with my staff, with my wife, with the clients with the prospects, definitely with the attendees while I’m on stage. Uhm, and I think you’d get better results. So that just comes back to the very first question with you know, 10x and 50x thing. Maybe it’s 100x thing something’s got to be realistic, though. 

RodeDog  45:33

I gotta say one thing though, I gotta say one thing. Still not as the first thing you do when you get off stage, turn off your mic before you go pee.

Karl Bryan  45:43

I have done that. What about poo? That happens, that happens.

RodeDog  45:50

Oh my god, and there you go, folks, that was that was me cutting off, Carl. I’m getting better at that to keep this train moving along appropriately, because otherwise, we’d be here all day, folks. But in fear of throwing it back to him one last time, which I will quickly do, and I’m hoping I’m going to give him a two minute buzzer. I’m not sure I can unmute you. That’s gonna we’re gonna figure this out for next episode. Can you close us out with the one thing? The one thing that you can take from today’s episode and implement immediately into your business to make you a millionaire by next Sunday?

Karl Bryan  46:23

Oh, oh, that’s so easy. Give me some hard. You know, shoots you knocked it out of the park with your opening question. And that’s it just again, when you start for the sake of the argument, the fear of, show Grant Cardone brand, but you don’t I mean, like TEDx, but by the way, let’s let’s go 12x. Let’s go 15x. Let’s go 20x, let’s go 25. What’s your favorite number? You know like, 20, if my number is 22. So 22 exing something excites me, uhm, I want you to think about let’s call it 20 exing, be a thing. Your goals, your dreams, your ambition, your roadmap, your game plan. And when you do that, you are going to find like we’re doing artificial intelligence. And I just know when I’m talking to, you know, internal, our team, the prospects, that you know, internal calls that we’re doing, and I’m saying, look, you know, be there be square Yeti, Yeti, Yeti. I just know that it’s like, oh, look, I think we got it worked out, you know, I think it’s gonna be good. You know, artificial intelligence. It’s, it’s, you know, it’s complicated. So I don’t want to pretend to be an expert, but I, I think we’ve done an okay job. I haven’t looked at anything yet. But I plan to tonight at 10 o’clock the other day, like, that’s exactly what am I saying? What am I doing? What are we delivering on on? Again, guys, we are going to work this out. We are going to be the leaders. We, artificial intelligence is going to take the world by storm. And we’re going to be there in the coaching, consulting, you know, in that space, and we are going to be the leaders, if not the leader, we are absolutely going to be leaders whereby we’re going to be directing, coaching, guiding, providing roadmaps for our coaches and consultants that are working with dentist, you know, plumbers, butchers, bakers, candlestick makers to make their life so much easier ultimately make the business owners life easier. And this is going to be bigger than baseball, and when you see what we are going to deliver, what we have already put together, not doing but what we have already put together and what we are delivering. And yes, it is good. But quite frankly, if you asked me last week, I would say that it’s unreal. And if you asked me today after seeing what we’ve done, and what we’ve completed, and the way that it looks in the work that our staff have them, and the research that we have done in the implementation, we have managed it is unbelievable. Like again, I was thinking game 10 at the Major League Baseball season and I think we’re already in the playoffs. Like it’s that good. It’s that big. I am so excited. It’s gonna be amazing. I hope I’m not gonna, you know what I mean like, when you start talking to people in that way, which by the way, I absolutely when you see what we deliver by way of our integration of artificial intelligence in the software, honestly, it’s just it’s unbelievable. But we are still in the sandbox, we have got our feet firmly pressed up against, we’re in the 100 meter dash and we’re just about to step out of the blocks, right like nobody’s also delusional in that we’ve got it worked out quite frankly, artificial intelligence is just not something you work out because it’s a it’s a mean mean mean mean animal just on itself, right. So the say that we got it worked out would be totally ridiculous because the guys in charge of artificial intelligence hadn’t worked it out quote, unquote, so anyway, shoots that, that 22 exing, our thought our communication, our critical thinking style, our critical thinking abilities. You know, our actions, our work day, our priorities, our calendar, our credit card statements, it’s gonna look a little bit deeper. For what we really get aligned with what it is that we want to accomplish and accomplish something big versus that, again, the example we gave at the beginning, which I think is a really good one, trying to fill out an event. It’s kind of lame, putting on, you know, an event every week for this reason and inspire locals and raise the consciousness of the average local business owner because you really care about them and their families and their children. I think that that’s something people can get behind. And we’ll refer because that the secret to live events, when I always did, I didn’t worry about somebody to worry about it, but like the conversions and the money, but they were a factor, but what was when I walked on stage with my game plan, my roadmap for every live event that I did, surpass this, I didn’t start here, but this is where when I was doing I get I wasn’t doing one a week, I was doing three a day. But my goal was to get two referrals per person. That was my goal. And I knew that because again, what’s the hardest thing about running events? Filling the damn room? Right? So, I knew that if I did a great event, and I got you know, I had 10 People that mean, I had 20 referrals that the next event was going to be half or better full before I even got started. And that was amazing. Which, yeah, so, and did I always absolutely not, but that was my expectation. That’s what I tried to do. And when I found when I did that, you know, the you know, the, you know, the consultations that conversions and the money, all looked after themselves, but a big thing for me was that down, was the two referrals and I’ll tell you this RodeDog, to entertainment when I got good at the music and the engagement and the jokes and the laughs etc. The better I got at all that stuff, the better the referrals were without question. So that’s my answer, choose 22x. There we go. 

RodeDog  51:46

Love it. Love it. All right, everybody. Well, thanks for tuning in to another episode of business coaching secrets with the King of the Caribbean, the man on top of the hill, the king himself in Cairo, and if you’re not on the inside, and getting access to pre-show or you aren’t getting Karl’s daily emails, you just want more information how to build, grow and scale your business coaching company, visit, and subscribe today. And again, if you enjoyed the podcast, you know please do all the things leave great positive comments, do the likes do the shares do all of that stuff. And we will catch you in the next episode. Remember buddy progress equals happiness. Take care everybody.


Karl Bryan built profit acceleration software 2.0 to train business coaches how to find any small business owner more than 100 percent $100,000 in 45 minutes without them spending an extra dollar on marketing or advertising. This becomes a business coach’s superpower. So as a business coach, you’ll never again have to worry about working with business owners that can’t afford your high-end coaching fees. Check us out at You may also see our Business Coaching Secrets with Karl Bryan: It’s Easier To 10X + Increase Your Presence .