Best Advice for Young Business Coach:

For young business coaches, the best advice is to prioritize continuous learning, build strong client relationships, share personal experiences, and cultivate a supportive network. Staying up-to-date with industry trends and strategies is crucial for providing valuable insights to clients. Building trust and effective communication with clients ensures tailored coaching plans that address their needs. Sharing personal stories and lessons learned demonstrates authenticity and relatability. Connecting with experienced coaches and mentors helps navigate the coaching journey successfully.

How Much Staff is Too Much:

Determining the ideal staff size depends on factors such as business nature, goals, and financial resources. While there is no definitive answer, considering workload alignment, budget constraints, and required skill sets is essential. Overstaffing leads to inefficiencies, while understaffing compromises productivity. Regular assessments maintain an optimal balance. Financial resources must sustain hiring costs beyond salaries. A diverse team with complementary skills enhances productivity. Evaluating existing staff expertise and identifying skill gaps informs hiring decisions. Flexibility and focus on productivity and employee well-being help strike the right staffing balance. Regular evaluations and adaptations based on evolving needs and goals are key.


Best Advice for Young Business Coach:

As a young business coach, there are several key pieces of advice to help you excel in your career and make a meaningful impact on your clients. First and foremost, it is crucial to continuously learn and expand your knowledge base. The business landscape is constantly evolving, so staying up-to-date with the latest trends, strategies, and technologies will ensure that you can provide valuable insights to your clients.

Additionally, building strong relationships with your clients is essential. Take the time to understand their unique needs, goals, and challenges. By establishing trust and effective communication, you can develop tailored coaching plans that address their specific requirements and drive their success.

Furthermore, don’t be afraid to leverage your own experiences and failures. Share your stories and the lessons you’ve learned along the way. Authenticity and vulnerability will resonate with your clients and demonstrate that you understand the realities of business.

Lastly, surround yourself with a supportive network. Connect with experienced coaches, mentors, and other professionals in your field. Their guidance, feedback, and advice can be invaluable as you navigate your coaching journey.

How Much Staff is Too Much:

Determining the ideal number of staff for a business is a complex task that depends on various factors, such as the nature of the business, its goals, and its financial resources. While there is no definitive answer to how much staff is too much, there are some considerations that can help guide decision-making.

Firstly, it is essential to align staffing levels with the workload. Overstaffing can lead to inefficiencies and increased costs, while understaffing can result in overwhelmed employees and compromised productivity. Regularly assess your business operations and adjust staffing levels accordingly to maintain an optimal balance.

Another crucial factor is budgetary constraints. Hiring and retaining employees come with costs beyond salaries, including benefits, training, and office space. Evaluate your financial resources and ensure that the addition of staff members is sustainable and contributes to the growth and profitability of the business.

Additionally, consider the skill sets required for your business operations. Having a diverse and complementary team can enhance productivity and creativity. Evaluate the expertise and capabilities of your existing staff and identify any skill gaps that may require new hires.

Ultimately, the right staffing level will vary for each business. It is essential to regularly evaluate and adapt staffing decisions based on the evolving needs and goals of your organization. Flexibility and a focus on optimizing productivity and employee well-being will help strike the right balance in staffing your business.


Business Coaching Secrets with Karl Bryan: Best Advice For Young Business Coach + How Much Staff Is Too Much Business Coach: The best advice for a young business coach is to focus on continuous learning and self-improvement. Stay updated with the latest industry trends, enhance your coaching skills, and seek mentorship from experienced professionals. Build strong relationships with your clients, understand their unique needs, and tailor your coaching approach accordingly. Emphasize the importance of integrity, empathy, and effective communication in your coaching practice. Remember that success takes time, so be patient and persistent in your journey as a business coach.

How Much Staff is Too Much: Determining the right number of staff for a business depends on various factors, including the size of the company, its industry, and the specific tasks and workload involved. While there is no fixed threshold for determining when staff becomes “too much,” it is crucial to maintain a balance between productivity and resources. Hiring too many staff members can lead to inefficiencies, increased costs, and difficulty in managing the team effectively. It is important to carefully assess the workload, consider automation and technology solutions, and ensure that each staff member’s role is justified and aligned with the company’s objectives. Regular evaluation and adjustment of staffing levels based on business needs is essential to optimize efficiency and productivity.

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Intro, Karl Bryan, RodeDog

Intro  00:02

Welcome to Business Coaching secrets with Karl Bryan. If you want to attract new high end coaching clients, fill live events, and build a wildly profitable coaching practice where business owners pay, stay, and refer, you come to the right place. In this podcast, Karl provides his keys to the kingdom for finding and signing high paying clients and building the coaching business of your dreams. Here we go!

RodeDog  00:40

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, coaches around the world. Welcome to another episode of business coaching secrets. It’s your boy the RodeDog. And I’m here with the only guy that I know that not only has a shrine of Tom Brady, but actually lights candles under it before every game! So I’m curious, Karl, what’s that look like, well, now that he’s retired?

Karl Bryan  02:13

Shoots! What am I going to do with all these candles? 

RodeDog  02:25

Like, its you know what? Now all of a sudden its like your wife’s gonna be like, that’s where they went! Right? Like you’ve been stealing it from her, from the bedroom I’m sure. There you go bud!

Karl Bryan  02:29

Candlestick maker might be making a comeback!

RodeDog  02:29

There you go, you know what? And just in time for Valentines Day! Just put those candles beside the bed shoots, your welcome! There you go folks.

Karl Bryan  02:29

So what’s happening? (Laughs) You’re in fine form! I can see shoots! You see and it’s funny, ’cause when I am in fine form, as I told you in the pre-show, you know what the fans love? More of me and less of you shoots! So there it is! Maybe 100% in my mind but that’s okay, I’ll take it! Hey listen, we have somebody write in, and uh, young guy okay, and it’s kinda cool for me to now be able to say that 30 is young. I uhm, man 30. What were you doing at 30 shoots? Like, what kind of nonsense where you up to, like 25 years ago? I remember my 30th birthday party like it was yesterday. My good buddy Johnny Mel and I, we uh, hello hockey bud, and we had a ripsnorter of a 30th, but you remember 30, man? I thought this is cool. I thought wow, we’re 30, but uh, yeah you know? There you go shoots.

RodeDog  02:29

So this guy writes us, and he got a question. He wants to know, Karl, What’s the best advice that you can give a 30 year old business coach looking to become wait for it… rich?

Karl Bryan  02:41

That’s literally what’s written?

RodeDog  02:43

That’s literally what’s, what’s written there. And I’m gonna let you have some fun with that.

Karl Bryan  02:49

Okay. What do we say shoots? So well now look, 30, let me just tell you that the hardest worker doesn’t make it. Someone on the weekend, you know, it was like, just let’s just go Grant Cardone, Gary Vee, look, great guys, very successful, you know, Yeti, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, whatever. But the hustle and grind, you know? I just think that’s the new stupid. That’s a little bit of an exaggeration, but hustle and grind, be careful with that the hardest worker doesn’t make it. Otherwise, the cook at the restaurant doing 12 hour shifts, so the labor digging ditches for you know, half of the 24-hour day, they would be rich and they most certainly are not so. So working smart, okay, so if that’s the problem, and that’s not where to go, you know, working smart combined with work ethic. And then consistency, right, right, from the pre-show shoots like consistency, guys, that’s gonna get, you know, let’s stay on being here, get the riches. You know, getting riches about months. It’s about timing. It’s about proximity, I think. Other… look, otherwise stated a case. So knowing what to do, when to do it, and who to do it with. I think that that might be some, you know, again, just keep in mind, you’re 30, if it’s 55, I’m going to be given a different answer, right? But I think if you build your roadmap with that in mind, knowing what to do, when to do it, who to do it with. I think if you write your roadmap with those things in mind, you’re going to be doing well because, you know, offering like an ice, if it’s the dead of winter, and you’re selling ice cream, how do you think you’re gonna be doing? Right? It’s just, you might be doing okay, right? Like as in people still buy ice cream and you know, in the dead of winter, but let me tell you in the summer, you’re going to be selling four to five times as much, right? You know, you’re offering carpet cleaning, and then you realize that the people you’re promoting it to and where you’re promoting it. All those people are renting their houses. I got bad news, that they’re not the type of people that are going to be cleaning their carpets, right? But when you own the property, significantly better chance. And then by the way, the other trend is hardwood floors. So you’re also going to find that there’s not going to be if you aren’t cleaning carpets, you’re in trouble already. Because you’ve got, you know, you’re operating in an industry on decline. And if you’ve listened to RodeDog and I for any period of time, you know that we talk about trends trend, you want to make money, you follow a trend, you know? Not, not a, what do you want to call it? What’s the opposite of a like a, you know, not something short term popular, but a trend that we can see long term like, like Elon Musk, and electric vehicles, right? Like, do you think that is a long term solution? Or do you think that’s something that’s going to fade out? If you look at a marketplace and the trend and Range Rovers got one, and Porsches got one, Ferraris bringing one out, yeti, when you see the trend, all the companies have got them now, right? So that’s an example of the right kinds of trends, something blip you know, like Pokemon. Why did I just say that, but like, Pokemon, the other day, like, like, give me a break, right? Anyway, so, these are the types of things you want to be thinking about. But hard work, for the sake of hard work is a path to nowhere. You know that RodeDog, there’s a saying the reward for hard work, is more work. Right? So be a little bit careful with that. That’s where I think again, at 30, looking to become rich, just that wording. I think somebody like that might fall into the hustle and grind, go, go, go, go go. That isn’t you know, that consistency in the work ethic is important. But you’ve got to couple that with intelligence, right? You know, like, according to Warren Buffett, the richest people are the people who go to bed, a little bit smarter every day, right? He reads for 50 to 80% of his day. And then the other part of his day, he’ll tell you, the other part of his work day is spent on the phone with smart people who he respects and respect him, right? So, press pause for a minute, go to your… go to yesterday, go to last week, go to last month, go to last quarter, when you look at let’s just put nine hours in the day and assume you’re going to be working for nine hours a day, how much, what percentage of that time was spent learning, reading, and let’s include audio and video in that because you don’t you don’t have to be a mass reader nowadays, with you know, YouTube and whatnot, you can put everything on high speed, I think that there’s value there. I do think you’ll get more, you know more when you read it. But that being said, if you consume twice as much, there’s a debate to say that you’d be better off, but of the last month, how much of your time has been spent on the phone with people who you respect, and who respect you. And how much of this has been, you know, with you learning, right? And not, you know, reading you not I mean, not the same, you know, you’re if you’re a really good salesperson, and you’re doing sale, sale, sale, sale sale, I’m all about elevating your abilities, and pouring gasoline on your talents. But if you’re a really good salesperson, you’re probably horrifically disorganized. And I do think you should be spending 20% of your time reading books, consuming audios consuming videos, around becoming more conscientious stopping, thinking, learning, studying mental models and kind of slowing down to speed up. I think that that would be a really good use of your time. So are you doing that? Gotta be that and 30 year old wanting to become rich, my question is, what is your skill set? You know, if I’m gonna coach anybody, you guys know the framework, little red arrow you are here, establish that, establish what it is that you want. And then the coaching is basically those two points. I would do the same here. This person is like ridiculously hot at sales, look, I continue, I want them to continue to elevate the sales game. But I also want him to take a good… or her, to take a good percentage of their time and decent percent of their time,  and working on things that are critical to success in a business. Like conscientious, conscientiousness is the, is a superpower to somebody who wants to become successful in business, and it only comes naturally to a small percentage of the population, which means the rest of us have to work on it. And that’s important, you know? And then so that brings me in another thought, like, you know, when you’re learning, let’s say to hear you’re reading a book, you’re listening to an audio, and you feel a little bit bewildered or frustrated, right? Like it just like, you just feel like you’re on the edge of, you know what I mean? Your mental bandwidth. Like what the hell is this guy talking about? What the hell is this gal talking about? I want you to think of, that’s the equivalent of when you’re working out. And you know, you hit the wall when you’re lifting weights, like let’s say your goal is to do 10. And you get the seven and you need a little bit extra, you need somebody to put their fingers on, fingers on the weight to just give it or you know, you kind of gotta give a little bit of a, you know, a little bit, you know, a little bit of a breathe out and a little bit of a grunt to get it up. I think that that’s when you’re learning when, okay, let’s assume this 30 year old is a really hot salesperson, if we put a sales book of sales audio, a sales video in front of them, I think it’s going to be easy for them to consume, get straightforward. Sure, you can agree with that? If we put a management book or management audio or monitor management video in front of them, or something about becoming conscientious or something that exists, but like, you know, learning with mental models, and maybe some mental model training, I think that, you know, this person would would become disinterested. Struggle to stay interested. And it just yeah, it would just, it would push their limits a little bit. And I think that’s a really, really good thing for him, her, or you listening, I think that that’s what you should be looking for. The same way you look at, if you just go to the gym, and you lift seven yesterday, you lift seven today, and you lift seven, tomorrow, how far you’re maintaining, and look, that’s a heck of a lot better than not going. But if you’re doing seven, I want you to be, I want you to actually track it, because you’re probably not doing that. And I want you to get to eight. And then once you get to eight, I want you to get to nine, right away, RodeDog level, but I don’t want you to get hurt, okay? So do it in a smart way. Because you be a lift weights, you train, you’re an athlete, the worst thing that can go wrong, is, is getting hurt. So anyway, so. So yeah, so that I don’t know, does that help? Like, you know, as you’re you’re you’re learning and what are you an income rich gotta be conscientious man that, you know, it’s like just recently RodeDog, I said that I said, look, if I had a few extra bucks, I would put it into Facebook or Meta, right? And sure as heck just, you know, over the end, I mean, late last week, meta had a big pop. And the reason like, and I don’t pretend to be the stock guy, right? And I’m not like, I’m not, you know, I mean, I’m up to you listen to people way, way, way, way smarter than I in that area. And I can tell you that I am concentrating or I am spending time on it, I am focusing on it to a small degree, because I just like to keep myself on a macro level, I want to keep myself educated, know, you know, where the trends are going and what the big boys are doing. And we talk about that kind of stuff, often in the podcast, right? Well, one of the reasons, if you can read financial statements, you know, we run a four day training on how to read financial statements. And if you haven’t done it, you’re a client of ours, it’s for clients only, and you should absolutely do it. But one of the things when you can read a financial statement, what Meta did, the reason, I thought that this was going to go into very much the right direction. First of all, the stock was down 75%. But what they did is they wrote off all the expenditure, all the expenses that go into Meta, they just wrote off, and they couldn’t amortize it over a number of years, they didn’t do that, which made their financials look horrific for a short period of time. But what’s gonna happen on the back end of that, it’s that they no longer have those expenses. And they’ve got the, they’ve got the access, they’ve got, you know, the Oculus, they’ve got all of this operating, and, yeah, so, so basically, a lot of that expense was gone. Not to mention, they’re going to be staring straight at Twitter and see that they have 25% of the staff, where they used to have 100%. And, you know, the site is still running, and the business is still running pretty well. Other tech firms are looking directly at that going, Wow, could we, you know, get rid of 75% of the fat 75% of our staff and still operate in a very much functional way. And that fundamentally what was happening and that is what happened. I again, by studying by learning by paying attention, you know, rather than watching the next Netflix show, and getting addicted to some, you know, silly series on TV, you know, concentrating on that kind of stuff, and maybe there’s a balance there for you. I’m not saying don’t watch Netflix. I’m not saying don’t have a social life. I’m not saying don’t, you know what I mean? Spend all your time hustling, grinding in your business. I’m not saying that. What I am saying is be strategic, be intent, intelligent, be conscientious about what it is that you’re doing. Be strategic about it don’t follow the hustle and grind thing you know, maybe RodeDog, I want to throw this back to here, but like you want to be rich, you got to be, Kobe Bryant, insane. Insane. Speed requires immense clarity, right? You got to know what it is that you want. Can clients have $2,000 a month by this date? Get really, really clear, the Kobe Bryant thing is that when he was 15 he wanted to be the greatest basketball player of all time. He stared in the camera literally said that at the age of 15. Right? And never deviated until literally, you know the day that he died and he believed that he got there. What I’m getting at is that if you were Kobe Bryant do you train? If you want to be the greatest basketball player of all time? Do you train three times a day or once a day? You know the answer three times a day. If you’re going to train three times a day do you start at 5am or do you start at noon? You know the answer you start at 5am. If you want to be the greatest basketball player of all time, do you eat broccoli or eat chocolate? You know the answer. It’s broccoli and no doubt you have a couple of chocolates once in a while when a couple of beers once in a while, but at the end of the day, he’s dialed in, do you go to the bar and drink until 4am, on Friday, when you have a game on Saturday? The answer is obvious. Do you do form personal relationships with your teammates knowing how important they are? The answer is yes. Are you still very… do you on the court, are you very hard on them and demand, do you demand absolute excellence and demand absolute best from them? Like if they were out at 4am drinking, and then showing up stinking like booze on Saturday? Like do you say something? Or you keep your mouth shut? Do you make a big deal of it in front of a team? Or do you pull them aside and say, look, man, I don’t like this behavior and it reflects poorly on us as a leadership group and us as a team. And we got our butt kicked as a result of you playing bad. Do you know what I mean? Like, do you see how if you if he had knew exactly what you wanted. So if you want to build a coaching company that grosses $500,000 a year, 80% margins, and this is where you wanted to end up, and you’re going to do it in this way. Again, insane speed requires immense clarity, get really, really clear on what it is that you want. And you’ve got to be the other thing as you want to get rich, as a business coach, you need to be amazing. Don’t kid yourself, you need to be good, you need to be amazing. You don’t want to just be like vanilla, and like, you know, have you take on your coaching clients and have them get, you know, good enough results so they don’t cancel you. I think too many coaches are concentrating on not trying to get canceled instead of trying to change the life of the individual that they’re coaching. So and how do you do that your study, study, study, study, study and just pick one thing you know, like with consistency, you’re going to do live events, do them! Don’t deviate, do live events, do trade shows, do trade shows don’t deviate. You can do direct mail, do direct mail, don’t deviate. You can do Facebook advertising, do Facebook advertising don’t deviate? You’re gonna do networking do network thing, don’t deviate? You don’t I mean? Like, just get one plan and then go. So shoots. Yeah, loaded, you know, young guy wants to crush it, he’s gonna get really, really clear on what he wants. And I think that the rest of the, everything kind of fills itself in. But he’s, you know, you gotta, you gotta be amazing. You gotta learn, learn, learn, study, study, study. And that’s, I think, operating in a strategic intelligent way versus hustle, grind, hustle, grind, hustle grind that some of the influencers might convince you, that might not be a great idea. What do you think shoots? That’s my answer that.

RodeDog  17:34

Jesus. Yeah. So I’ll just say, I think it’s like, to your point, I actually think it’s a really weak question. It’s very self serving. And I think we’re going into it with the mindset of how do I become rich of other people is the kind of the thing that’s not going to make you rich, at least for the long term, in my in my opinion. So but before we go any deeper on that, I just want to sidetrack because I want to bring this up actually, I briefly talked about when we first got going, and that is, so you know, we talked, you mentioned it, and that’s what triggered it for me, you know, Twitter laying off as many people and like, everybody’s doing it right now. Right? It’s just It’s crazy. The amount of layoffs that are happening, especially with big tech, you’re now over 30 staff. What’s that? Like? Like? Is it? Do you sometimes just sit there and go like, I do not want to be an HR company, I do sometimes just sit there and go, man, if I could just go back and make as much as I’m making that with a lot a lot less people like is that? How are you? Like, what’s that like?

Karl Bryan  18:44

Yeah, good question. Good question. You have 36 staff 49 countries where, I would answer why, again, your little red arrow, you are here and you know me RodeDog, right, yeah, drink 1000 beers together and sat down and had you know, conversations like this, and then it’s about family, and it’s about kids, and it’s about, you know, our buddies to do to do like, I’m a pretty driven, borderline. I think I used to be a bit what I would call obsessed. I think that, um, you know what, I mean? I’m pouring water on that a little bit in a good way. Right? Because again, it’s so you know, what I mean? Like, I want to accomplish a lot. And you know, very genuinely, it’s not about you know, hey, how can I buy another car? You know, to me, it’s really making a difference. I spent, you know, a goal a long time ago, I want to set the standard for the entire business coaching profession. I believe that it is the Wild Wild West, there’s no real you know, true leader most people would look to like, say Tony Robbins is the leader and he’s not even really, you know, the guy who would be more life coach and business coach all day long and twice on Sunday. There’s some other operators out there that you know, it’s just whatever. So, so no, I really like I just love the idea of you know, crushing it, doing something cool, you know, building something that stands the test of time. More importantly, the you know, the people that use the system. legitimately like our goal like, again. So you talk. So Zuckerberg had a north star? Does it help us grow? So if you wanted, so Zuckerberg, you come to and say, you know, RodeDog goes to Zuckerberg and says, man, I got a great idea for Facebook, you got to take this on, we got to do it, we got to implement it. He was okay, send it to me. And then he sent it. Zuckerberg had one question. Doesn’t help us grow. And this was back in the day, by the way, when he was really growing it. And if it did he take the meeting, if it didn’t, I don’t know that he would say flat. No, but there would have to be some serious extracurricular kind of reasons to take it on. I mean, and then there was Gary Vaynerchuk. Right? Does it get me attention? So there’s one room with 5000 people, and there’s another room with 20,000 people, Gary Vaynerchuk, is turning his, you know, airplane north to go towards the 20th that, you know, the bigger venue with the big of a larger amount of eyeballs because it gets him more attention. Right? He, you know, he saw Twitter attention. He saw Facebook attention, he saw YouTube attention, you know, doesn’t get me attention. And you know, and that’s built a very powerful and formidable brand for Gary Vaynerchuk. So for us that north star, it doesn’t help a business coach make six figures. So it’s kind of like, you know, being the North Star. So you come to us and it’s like, we’re going to implement this we’re going to implement that. Doesn’t help, it doesn’t help one of our clients get to six figures. And not again, a lot of our clients get the multiple six figures are unicorns, hit seven figures, but we’re in the business of helping people, you know, build six figure business coaching companies from the ground up, operating from their house, and they’ve got financial freedom, they’ve got location freedom, and they’ve got all you know, I mean, they got that, you know that what you know, how about it RodeDog, that’s that’s like a big thing for you. Right? Just like that freedom. And that’s we tried to build for folks. So, so good. Yeah, I hear you. But man, unfortunately, for me, maybe, I’d be lying to say there’s not some days when I wake up and go, What the heck is going on? Lots of moving parts and lots of good stuff. But we have an amazing team. So many passionate people within our 36 staff, all of them, by the way, but just some folks really, you know, doing some amazing stuff. So yeah, buddy. I know, I’d be lying to say there’s not some days where I shake my head a little bit and say, what the heck am I doing? But, I love what I’m doing. I’m truly blessed man. And we’re, we, I still feel like I got my feet in the starting blocks. And we’re gonna do some very, very cool, like some of the things that are coming with the software, just blow your way, right? Blow you away. So I don’t know if I’ve answered that the best, shoots. But I, some days maybe, but 90% of the time, man, I’m just like trying to put my foot on the gas and do more really cool stuff, so.

RodeDog  22:55

Speaking of getting attention, we’ll have to get an update to see how your only fans is doing later. But before we get there, I wanted to go back to our young guy here looking to become rich. And I want to ask you kind of a better better question. And that is like, what what would you say is the number and again, we had this in the in the pre show, right? Somebody was asking the question, they’re just getting back into things, whatever. What’s the number one way right to generate leads in an intelligent way? Right? Just to get started? What would you, what would you say to that?

Karl Bryan  23:24

Yeah, in an intelligent way. Little star on that one beauty. Look, it depends. Okay, so is it a newbie a novice or an expert? Right? This guy, you know, this guy is going to hover on newbie, but dependent upon little red arrow, you are here. I got to establish, you know, like, where are you at? And I give some, you know, some ultimate advice depending upon that, but it really shoots, you know, they look there’s cold calling, right. But of course they say cold calling and there’s like, oh my gosh, you can’t cold call. And some people think I can tell you this. If you’re too good for cold calling. You’re going to have a hell of a time being successful in coaching. Because again, the reason you’re too good… If you’re cold calling is beneath you? Then, you know I mean, like it’s not about you. It’s about the business owners. It’s about the chiropractor, the dentist, the butcher, baker, candlestick maker, it’s about them. So if you’re too young, what you’re gonna do is you’re gonna take cold call, you need to adjust it right, you got to have a strategic plan. So you just pick up the phone, smile and dial. Now that I wouldn’t recommend but you got to, you got to call and say, look, my mentor put me up to a task. I had to call three business owners today and solve any problem they have on the spot. Today’s your lucky day or maybe your unlucky day and feel free to hang up the phone but if you want, I am here professional business coach, many of you know many hours I got some very professional software behind me where I can find any business owner 100 grand 45 minutes without them spending an extra dollar on marketing or advertising. By the way, the software has 497 million weighted output sequences that populate a roadmap that somebody can then use. So here’s my question, Mr. Business Owner, what’s the number one problem you currently have in your business? And let me see if I can solve it right here on the spot. And by the way, yeah, so we’ve had some folks do this. One comes to mind, and you know, she got so busy so quickly, that she literally couldn’t keep up within like a week. Maybe it was two weeks on the outside, but I believe the first week of calling, she had, you know, it was seven live clients, and she was going, she already had some other stuff going on, and she killed it. So um, but like, you could call it that or go to businesses for sale, right? Call them and say, look, I know you’re asking, you know, 470 grand for your business. But you know, what, if we could get that to 1.4? You know, 1,470,000, would that help you? Let’s chat down I mean, or, or, you know, go to the chamber website and say the reason I’m calling, I’m a member of the chamber, you’re a member of the chamber, I thought I’d introduce myself, and then see where the conversation goes, call them and get an interview. In your podcast, all of our guys get their own magazine, right? If you’re a client of ours, you’ve got your own magazine connected to you, like a Business Academy, call it do an interview for your your magazine. Look at their website, go and look at 25 websites, and then go and if you look at 25 websites, you’re gonna be looking at 23 that are a dog’s breakfast, and just say, look, there’s a problem with your website, let me help or, you know, just, you know, say, go to the website, say, look, there’s a mistake on your website, give me a call. And we actually had member, Tony Plies, one of our clients been a client for a long, long time, many, many years, probably approaching 10 years. Real popular guy in our Q&A calls. But it was a long time ago. He’s got this story, where I just told him, look, this is what you do just drive by a billboard. You know, a guy’s paying $1,000 a month and a billboard on the side of the road. You know what, the highway, tell them there’s a mistake, leave your phone number. He calls literally, gets a phone call back like it like the first few calls. He starts driving he gets a call immediately back, its the lawyer called them and said, hey, man, there’s a website, there’s a mistake. What do you mean? And he goes, yeah, yeah, there’s a mistake. No, it’s not your phone number that’s wrong. It’s that your website that has like a blown up business card, I know you’re spending $1,000 a month plus plus on that, on that billboard, you need to have something compelling, you need to draw their attention. Like that’s the mistake. Boom, you got a $2,000 a month client, snap of fingers straightaway, first crack at. So we just went to an ad called and said you got a mistake. Here’s my phone number. They thought it was a phone number mistake in like 20 seconds. He turned them around and said yeah, no, it’s not that this is the mistake. We actually have a video out. All of our guys get into lead generation play. And it’s like every, you know, why everything? Why? Why would they know about marketing is all wrong. And that’s about I don’t know how long it is like 45 minute video that explains to a business owner how to do and everything wrong. And if you go from that, you know, catch to that video you do real well. But bottom line look pick up so cold calling, but you got a cold call in an intelligent way. Right? But that’s… shoots, then there’s networking. There’s joint ventures that he could do, I would pick one of these by the way and go. I mean, he could do direct mail that can absolutely work do lumpy direct mail, where you’re sending something and don’t just send it in the mail, but send it FedEx. Trade shows, which is kind of like networking, I guess. But you could specialize in that. But then live events. That’s absolutely the main, might be doing live events, but you know, you could, those are the ways to generate leads shoots, but I’d pick one of them. And I would go, what do you think?

RodeDog  28:41

Okay, can we can we unpack these a little bit? Like just like, why don’t we just kind of go kind of one by one. If you don’t mind? I wouldn’t mind going just a little bit deeper. Like, let’s just start like with networking, right? Like, how do you get clients because… my god if like you honestly, you couldn’t pay me enough to go to a BNI meeting? Like it just, I would rather stick needles in my eyes and go…

Karl Bryan  29:07

Yeah, but that’s, but there’s three phases, right, newbie, novice, expert, you’re just beyond that. There was a time when you’re like, okay, yeah, I’ll do that. Right? But but it’s the sandbox for sure.

RodeDog  29:15

So what how do you recommend going and getting clients from networking events? Just for or networking period in general?  Okay, so okay, like anything, I would have a pre plan. Okay. So before you go to the networking, do some homework, like what are you going to offer etcetera. You’ve got the at networking, have a plan for what you’re going to do while you’re there. I.e. not just ask for referrals, but give some out. And then you gotta have post. You gotta have a follow up, right? The mistake that people make is they go to a networking function without actually no plan whatsoever, meet a bunch of average business owners because that’s the type of people that are networking, on average, and yes, you’ll get some winners. And you’ll get some absolute, you know, people that you don’t want to work with. And then a lot of people in between. But you know, you gotta you gotta have a bit of a plan. So you got to have a pre plan, at plan, and then post plan. But I think shoots like you mentioned BNI. Like, again, you’re just not going to BNI. But there are other, you know what I mean? Like there’s higher level, there’s which we talked about. So I don’t want to repeat myself too much. But there’s a the golf course, there’s some sort of networking going on there. At the Yacht Club, there’s some sort of networking, right? The oil and gas club, etc, the chamber for sure, there’s going to be some networking, which will be a slight step up from BNI. But But you bring up a good point shoots that, you got to accept that if you’re networking, on average, this is the sandbox if you’re going to like BNI. So you want to move up the food chain a little bit, but you will get clients but you’re probably just going to get some clients that won’t be sticking around for an enormous amount of time. So..  Okay, so the next one. Actually, yeah, there. Let’s talk about jayvees. Before we get I want to talk about direct mail myself, but let’s talk about joint ventures. What uhm, give me your thoughts on on joint ventures.

Karl Bryan  31:11

So anybody b2b, okay, so you got a business broker, a business broker, selling businesses, nine of the 10 phone calls that he gets, she gets are useless. Alright, so hey, you know, those nine people do hang up the phone, and it really just annoys you, send them over to me, let me work with them for 12, you know, 12 months to two years, get them ready to fail, and I’ll send that I’ll send them back to you. And by the way, I’ll send you, you know, I’ll pay $1,000 per referral that you send my way that sign up, right? That, that could work, go to a… anybody selling advertising, newspaper, coupon book, radio station, magazine, online directory, Digital Marketer, you know, go to them with a JV, but what you do with the JV, and I did a YouTube video on this, but as we’ve talked about it, right? But you gotta you, I would, whenever I’m going to go to somebody and I want to influence them, I want to work out their problem and then solve it. Right? So translation, if I go to an accountant, I know that the biggest problem the accountant has is tax season. The reason tax season exists is because lightweight operators, lightweight, lightweight business owners with lightweight accountants, frankly, they do their taxes once you’d like they bring in the shoebox, and they do their taxes once a year. And they want rose petals service and they want everything done yesterday. And it’s all like a big, you know, the guy’s got 150 clients, and they’re all 125 of them are coming all at once. Like, you don’t need to be a rocket scientist to work out this is a log jam a bottleneck, this is a pain. And by the way, are you think you’re gonna get your books done in a, you know, 10 minute 10 fashion in that manner? Or do you think you’d be better off going to the accountant, you know, four to 10 to 12 times a year, and have your books done properly from the get go and getting a little bit of advice. And by the way, a tax return, a business owner will get a tax return and call it a financial statement. And this is ridiculous, right? Like a tax return is not a financial statement in any way, shape, or form. Right? It’s you know, you need a balance sheet, you need a cash flow statement, you need a profit and loss, right an income statement. So, so anyways, um, so I go to the accountant and say, you know, how you’re coaching your clients, I’ll come to see you once a year, introduce me to three, don’t introduce me to everybody introduce me to three take me for a test drive. And I will make sure that those three that you introduce me to they will start to come to see you at a minimum four times a year, most likely 10 times a year, possibly more. Because I want to work with business owners, I gotta be able to look at the scoreboard. And without tracking and you know, economics and you know, numbers from you, financials from you, I can’t look at the scoreboard, I won’t be able to coach him. So you’re charging about, you know, $2,000 a year right now, those fees are gonna go up to five to 10,000 for the ones that I’m working with. And I will personally guarantee that those three come in that many times a year. Right? And then by the way, so if you do it for three, and what did I say? The guy’s got 125 clients that are all coming at once. He’s gonna want to work you to work with all 125 of them. Because he’s like, can you do that with all of them? That was amazing. Like you solve his problem, right? The same way. If I go to an advertising media, they sell advertising, what’s the biggest problem? So hard to get somebody to buy the ad, but when they do the guy quits after 90 days, because the ad isn’t working. And I will say here’s what I will do introduce me to somebody who just started advertising. And I will make sure tell me what they’re spending. And I will help you double their ad budget, like double their ad with you. And I’ll make sure that they don’t cancel in 12 months, because I can’t guarantee it but I will do my best and that’s all I can do. But that being said, You’ll never need a bigger fan of advertising than I because I believe that, you know everybody’s building their most off word of mouth and referrals and they think that’s great, but I think that um, you know, advertising to profit is a superpower. And it is, by the way, but advertising the profit is a superpower and nobody’s doing it. So if you introduce me to somebody who’s advertising, in your magazine, in your radio on your billboard, you know, in your online directory, I will personally make sure that they double whatever they’re spending now, I’ll work to double it over the 12 months, and I will certainly make sure that you retain those customers, there’s going to be like, really, and by the way, send me three as a test drive, and let’s see how I do. And then do it for business broker, you know how you the phone rings, and these guys are wasted time sending them to me, and I’ll send me back in 12 months ready to sell. I mean, so I go. So business instead of the mistake of we talked about this to death, but it’s could never be said enough. Business owners, business coaches as humans, right ideas, ideas, ideas, ideas, you want to change your spidey senses to problems, problems, and then solution solution solutions. So I look for problems and they solve them. That’s how I get it, what just, that’s what I just did, I went to a JV partner, and then trying, instead of trying to convince him to sell me a bunch of people and tell him how much money that I’m going to send him, which will not motivate a good portion of them, because it just feels a bit off. And by the way, anybody could make that value proposition when I go to the, like the business owner and I solve his biggest problem. And that’s the way I present it. It’s a total, it just changes everything. So, actually can I just say, and here’s another one JV was so one of the things we do we provide the academy, a Business Academy for all of our folks. So at full retail price, it would be $500 a month, or six grand a year. And then we’ve also got, you know, group coaching software, group coaching the exact same dynamic put $500 a month that it could sell for much more than that, but go $500 a month, six grand a year, go to the account and say, look, a lot of your business owners are struggling with marketing and to grow their business, yes or no? Says yes, of course. Well, I want to donate 10, I want to donate 10 memberships to My Online Business Academy to my group coaching, in 10s, they come at a value of $6,000 each. So 10 multiplied by six that’s $60,000 over value that I would like to give to you. Everybody’s going to the accountant and saying, hey, send me everybody. And then you’re going in as Santa Claus instead of the Grinch, right, you’re giving it. If you, if your goal was to pick up the phone and just see how many people you could give away 10 memberships to, right? Like, six, at $60,000 a time, 10 of them would be $600,000 that you gave away? I don’t know, ift that’s, that’s the cold call that you’re making? Do you think you might do a little bit better than what you’re currently doing? The answer would be probably. What do you think shoots? That’s probably….

RodeDog  37:50

What I, what I find interesting is that you’re using some of the tactics like for getting businesses just the way that you use to try and get dates like, hey, just take me for a test drive and see how she goes. It’s pretty interesting. Did that work for you? By the way? Like, I don’t know if that? I personally I wouldn’t advise it. But hey, it’s worth a shot. Right? There you go. Hey, listen, direct mail. Let’s talk about direct mail. Because I honestly think that what’s old is new, and what’s new is old sort of situation I love. I’m falling more and more in love with direct mail these days for a variety of reasons. But before I get into mine, let’s listen to what the big shooter has to say about direct mail, what what are your thoughts on direct mail?

Karl Bryan  38:36

So well just get a list of 50, 50 business owners that you want to invite to your events or to get on the phone. But again, you can couple this with live event mastery. But basically, you know, you get a list of 50 business owners that you want to work with that would make sense you do some homework, you gotta build a really good, credible list. So you got the right name, you’ve got the right address. And then instead of mailing it, FedEx it, right and do lumpy mail, okay, where you could send the, you know, you could go to the dollar shop and go buy like, you know, 50 little grandfather clocks, okay, and put that in what we call lumpy mail, and send it and start it off with look, I really want to save you. I want to start with saving you some time. So I sent you this little mini grandfather clock for your kid, right? Or you can go get some sand from the beach, or you going to easily go buy some of that you got sand from the beach, or hopefully you live near a beach and you can just go grab that yourself, put them in a Ziploc bag and put it in whatever and they say hey, look, I know you haven’t had a trip to the beach in a while or it’s about time you and your family had a trip to the beach. So I sent you this. How are you going to do it? We’re going to pay for it through increased sales, increased revenues, increased profits, etc. When he let me you know rip through my profit acceleration software and advise you. So bottom line directly Mail, doing lumpy mail, but doing it by a Fed X versus looking, you know, just stamps. But you got to get 50 people and have a good letter. And then by the way, you got to you got to text them, you got to email them, you got to phone them, you got to leave a voice message to them. I mean, like, you got to don’t just do direct mail, and then leave it to direct mail. Again, have a you know, 360 matrix type of product, you’re using direct mail, but then you call up and say, Hey, just wanted to make sure you got my letter, right, I’m gonna send an email, Hey, just wanted to make sure you got my letter. They’re coming out of nine ways to Sunday. And by the way, follow up, you know, so then you call one seven, they don’t respond. Question is, are you going to give up? And that’s where, you know, you got to? You got to touch him book 10 times nowadays in order to get that? Yes. So keep touching, and just do it in an automated way. So but yeah, direct mail shoots. I agree. That’s it apps like direct mail is one of those things. It’s never it’s kind of gone by the wayside, because it’s all about Facebook ads, etc. But direct mail is one of those long lasting dinosaur type activities, that will always work. And yet, it’s so much more see when you go to the networking function. The problem that I see is who dictates who’s coming to the networking function. And it’s like, the event is do you have a name like you don’t control who’s going if you’re not picking up the phone and inviting people that you’re just kind of, you know, ad hoc, hoping that the right kind of business owner, you’d like to help fencing companies, you’d like to help landscaping companies, you’d like to help chiropractors, you’d like to help get out whatever business owner it is any type of business? Well, there’s no guarantee their there. Direct mail, you pick the 50 that you’re going to be mailing to, and of course, you’re gonna be mailing to the types of companies that you feel the most comfortable of able to help. Right? So direct mails a good, good one bud.

RodeDog  41:51

Okay, so I just want to follow up with to two things on that. And I want to power through the last two here. But before we wrap up, the thing that I love about direct mail, and I think that you’ll 100% agree with this is just the clarity, the clarity of knowing specifically, forcing you to sit down and create a list of exactly who you’re targeting like that, that in and of itself is is gold right there. But you know, like I always think of the old I think was Russell Brunson had that strategy where it’s like he had, he got a result. And again, if you’re, if you’re new, go and work with somebody for free and get them a result, a great result. Record and get all that get the testimonial. And then find other businesses like that in nearby towns, send it to them and their competition and save basically, if you want this, you know, I also sent this to you know, your competition, first want to get back to me. I’m going to work with, right and I’m going to help that like what’s old is new, and people now love. It’s like I hate my inbox now, right? Like, I’ve actually taken my email off of my phone, because I just don’t I don’t even want to hear it. I don’t even want to see it. I can wait until I get back to my computer into my office. I don’t want to be checking that every three seconds. So anyways, what do you think of that, Karl?

Karl Bryan  43:17

Yeah, I like look, building an avatar, right? Like building. Like you said, you’re gonna pick 50, 100, 500 business owners doing direct mail is gonna make you sit down and get really, really clear on who it is that you want to work with. So yeah, perfect. I totally agree. And what what do you say it was old as new, you know, it’s like, kind of, well, it’s thought of as old school but you know, it’s uh…

RodeDog  43:44

It’s like it’s like retargeting on Facebook with face, you know, like your targeting online with ads. You’re literally retargeting them offline, you know, like, where else? Where else are they going to hear from you. But anyways, real quick, let’s just let’s kind of power through these. Again, talk about being specific and knowing exactly who you’re looking to serve. Trade shows, might you talk about trade shows for a second?

Karl Bryan  44:08

You could build if you just again, you wanted to help X, landscaping companies, furniture stores, furniture manufacturers, you could just find trade shows and just go from ever. I think you just stayed in Vegas and went to tradeshow to trade, there’s a trade show every single weekend in Vegas and of course there are different niches which may or may not be what you’re looking for. But you could just go from, again you want to have a pre trade show game plan, at trade show game plan, post trade show game plan, right? like in other words, have the follow up material ready. Because what happens with consistency as people go to these trade shows, have a great event, oh my gosh, rates met some great people. They sit down on a computer and like, hey, now what am I going to send the guy? What’s my response? Right? Get all that stuff together so that you’re just ready to press go when you get back to the office with a, you know, a small amount of personalization and each but, but yeah, trade shows I mean, it could be, yeah, you can just stay in Vegas and watch trade after trade show come through, go to those events and get good number like and you got 20 clients at 2000 bucks a month that’s 480, right? Right, you’re charging four grand a month, you’re almost at a million. Remember, you’re getting eight you’re 80% margins. So you just you don’t need 400, depending upon what your goals are, you know, trajectory of your coaching company kind of where you’re at? Are you starting off? Are you a novice, you’re kind of expert, are you like semi retired and you know, 20 clients is like more than you want to handle right now? You might want to have, you know, 10 and be charging four grand a month, in order to get to your 480 grand, you know what I mean? Like, little red arrow, you are here. And then what is it that you want, the line in between those, as the coaching is the goal, is the roadmap. But Trey Jones could get it done, or you just picked, you know, furniture, you know, furniture manufacturers, furniture stores, and you just follow those trade shows, you know, they’re gonna be all over North America, all over the world. And he just really, really good at that, then you’re traveling, I’m speaking to somebody with this that likes to travel, like get some people that have a lot of traveling. And they love the idea of travel, right? Like for me, I couldn’t just you know what I mean? No, it’s just not that I avoid it. Like nothing else. I just do not want to go to the airport, I don’t want to get on an airplane. I don’t want to… my wife loves Europe, I hate, it’s not that I hate Europe, it’s just I don’t want to go to Europe, that tiny change and everything else just messes with me. And I just, you know, just happily do my thing. But that’s so, so that strategy ain’t gonna work for me is what I’m getting at. But this isn’t about me, this is about you. You love the idea of going to Europe, you love the idea of going to Vegas, you love the idea of going to Orlando, Florida, where the trade show is, well, this gets you out of a house, you get to go see some new cities, some new, you know, whatever, you know, go to Disney World with, you know, take your kid with you, go to Disney World. That would be Orlando, by the way. So there you go shoots. But yeah trade shows, I think that can easily could be done. If somebody’s going to a trade show they’re trying to grow their business, you’re gonna be able to sell them something. If you’re…

RodeDog  47:22

The one thing I’m going to add to that real quick. And then we’ll get to our, our favorite one. And then we’ll wrap if you’re looking to build your list, because he sort of made the comments of, you know, like, whatever. Furniture, manufacturing, don’t just look at them. Who’s supplying them? Who’s also selling to them? How can you partner as a JV there? How can you work with them maybe to get into their direct mail? How can you maybe get them to pay for half of your direct mail? How else like all of these things, right? So, don’t just look at the actual industry that you want to serve. But who else is already serving that industry that you could leverage. So, just want to throw that out there. But now, and I don’t want to get you another tangent here because I we got to get wrapped up. And I know this is our hands down slam dunk, guaranteed way to build your coaching business. Live Events, alright, shoots, how about it? Live events.

Karl Bryan  48:26

Okay, so roadmap. And this is again, one we’ve handled internally, we get a program called Live Event mastery. You’re a client of ours, just go straight to that. But look, you got a book, have you got a book of it, you hand them your credit card and pay, commit. Don’t… in other words, don’t soft play it like, hey, if I can get enough people on Tuesday? Do you have a room for me? You have a main like, get your venue pay for the chamber, a penthouse and an expensive hotel, the golf course, the Yacht Club, oil and gas. Well, you know, to be in all sorts of, you know, really good venues, you could do it in the boardroom of an accountants office, you could do that. But that’s not, you know what I mean? That’s not my first choice. Know, if I’m doing a JV with that accountant. That’s a great choice. But that’s not what I’m doing. If I’m trying to get local business owners from all, you know, all shapes and sizes that you gotta make a list. The way you make a list is you got to have reasons. So they’re a member of the chamber. That’s the reason I’m inviting them. They’re advertising in the, you know, local online directory. That’s the reason. They’re advertising in the local newspaper? That’s the reason they’re advertising in a magazine? That’s the reason. They were up for some awards? That’s the reason. They won the award? That’s the reason. They’re in the top three? That’s the reason. They’re the top three, but they didn’t win? That’s the reason. They’re in the top 10, that didn’t make the top three. That can be your reason. Right? So you’re calling from the reason we’re inviting your third chiropractor. That’s the reason. They’re a dentists? that’s the reason. They’re a realtor? That’s the reason. They live there,  also a member of that chamber. That’s the reason the girl the chamber, recommend their companies, that’s the reason. (unintelligible). So again, make the list of business owners but not just well, you just make a sporadic list, but I would make more sense that you, you know, they have their business for sale? That’s the reason. You make a list of business owners, but when you call them, again, you’re calling with a bit of a reason, believe me, your opportunity, your chances of getting them to your event significantly increase. I’ve been calling them myself for a period of time before I had other people calling on my behalf, which is where I would absolutely get to a little boiler room, but I just call it on myself and inviting them. Don’t be, if you’re too good for that, like I said, your coaching is going to be too good for you. In that it’s not about you, if you’re all fixated on, you know, your inability to cold call, you’re just totally isolated, you know, you’re just thinking about you, and you’re probably not going to make it remember the coaches that don’t get very far are the ones that day-to-day, week-to-week, month-to-month, quarter-to-quarter decide if they’re going to continue, right? You gotta go all in, you’re all in, you’re not gonna have a problem just picking up the phone and inviting some people like, like, here’s the question, are you going to do it when they do come to the event? Are you going to change their frickin life? Do you have the most amazing presentation, the most amazing entertainment, the most amazing few people that are going to be in the room that you’re going to call upon are going to say some amazing things about you, or amazing things that you’ve done together, that’s really going to shift the people in the room. Well, if that’s the commitment that you have, and that’s where you feel like you’re gonna get to, you’ll be that much more excited to pick up the phone. If you’re really really nervous about the event and are you going to be any good, you don’t have content, you don’t have the slides, you know, any came in organized, well, then you’re going to be more hesitant to pick up the phone. So again, make it about them. Plan to have like the most amazing presentation of all time, that by the way over time will improve. Everything compounds your presentation, your presentation will improve, that will compound. Your ability to deliver. It will compound. The referrals that you get will compound. The quality of the attendees will compound. Your level of preeminence in the community will compound. Peoples, under like, what am I saying, like you know your brand, when they’ll start to know that you’re the person that runs the event at the Chamber every Tuesday at 7am. Your brand will start to compound, but you got to have, what I’m getting at here, you’ve got to be consistent. If you do it every Tuesday at 7am. Even if there’s two people that are one week 20, the next three, the next 30 The next, it’s inconsistent that way to your consistency, what’s critical, you’ll you’ll end up with a booming business, but the end of the day. So I would call them myself and I would call it the reason, I would have somebody call the day before to confirm their attendance. And that person needs to be sell, sell, sell. So like your wife, or your husband, or your daughter, or your son, will be a really, really good person, somebody with some sales ability, not just a monotone person, that could be you. But generally speaking, if you have somebody else to do the follow up, that’s the way I would do it. Plus, it’s an effective use of your time to a degree, but do a great job, you know, be highly educational and highly entertaining. It’s not just about the content, it’s about the entertainment. If you go to see Tony Robbins and support a rock concert, not by accident, there’s magic behind that when they come to your event, make sure that it’s heaps of fun, be funny, have prepared jokes, maybe a couple people in the audience have somebody there helping out who’s you know, super engaging, etc. always asked for referrals at the end of it, what’s going to happen is if I had 10 people come to the event, my goal was to always get two referrals per person. So rather than like a revenue goal, or like a number of appointments goal, I found that if I got two referrals per person that was in the room, everything else looked after itself, you know, the money, the appointments, etc. But the magic, what’s the biggest pain in the butt of running live events, and that’s getting more people to your next event. Right? So the referrals on the bottom of your feedback form are just pure gold for you to be able to fill the event in future events. Will all of those people come? No! But if you have 10 people in the room, and you end up getting 20 referrals and four of those referrals show up next week. And your goal is to get 10 people you’ve only now got to get six because four already came from the referrals, right? That’s where you get this compounding effect and by the way, if the other sixteen don’t come to the next event, keep inviting, keep inviting, and keep inviting, keep inviting them and they’ll you know you’ll get four here, four there, takes the pressure off a lead gen big time but you know, just live events just you know, be ruthless. And and by the way, another little magic button is jayvees. We talked about it earlier. Get an accountant in the room. Okay, your goal is to then do a killer presentation with killer content killer and when I say the killer entertainment you don’t need to be McDonald, right? But get up there, do a good job, be funny, etc, deliver your material in a good and engaging way. And then that one accountant, what has 150 clients, have a relationship with that person, that accountant can completely change the trajectory of your business, it just, it takes you from trying to generate leads, to struggling, to keep up, because that guy wants to get you in front of all of his clients. And he’s going to do that same presentation in his boardroom once every two weeks for 10 of his clients at a time, right? And then get the magazine publisher to the next one. He’s got advertisers, do the same thing for him. And then next time you bring a business broker, do the same thing with him. And you just keep doing the event, keep doing the event, keep doing the event, everything starts to move in the… you know, in the right direction. And by the way, when you’re first getting out, someone has a bit of a networking, not only they’re going to get a great presentation with some great content, and you there, it’s you know, it’s a bit of a networking opportunity and to meet your realtor, there’ll be a mortgage broker, if you’re a mortgage broker, there’ll be a realtor, you know, excetera, there’s a you know, gym, there’ll be a personal trainer, a personal trainer, there’ll be a gym. If there’s, you know, a cosmetic surgeon, there’s going to be a beautician and a beautician there’s going to be a cosmetic surgeon, etc. So you know what I mean, like, so it is a bit of a networking opportunity also, but RodeDog, without, look, we’ve talked about it many times if I started again, and I’ve got lots of content out there, where I can show you in my live event and business coaching mastery. And so if I start with again, here’s what I would do. And I just gave you Coles Notes’ version of what I said there. And I would say, the next time that I present something similar, you just, live event, book it and then you got to do don’t do it once and report back and let us know how it went. You got to do 10, you got to do 10 events. And that’s when the compounding starts, you just do three and report back. You’re just again, it’s probably not going to be a fantastic situation. And last time RodeDog and I did an event did it together at 100% conversion. That’s not close. And that’s not to appointment that is the closed high-end coaching client. But by the way, there’s only 12 people in the room, there was seven buying units, all seven people ended up buying, right? So we get 100% conversion at that, at that event. And but I’ve also done it hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of times. So if you do a live event, are you going to expect to get 100% conversion? And I would say hard no. This is probably not realistic for you. But that is okay, guess what? You guessed, you got to do it. You have to think the first time and the 10th time you think you’re gonna get a little bit better results that time? And the answer is absolutely! So, So you just got out one foot from the other, you eat an elephant one bite at a time. Get your first live event going, but tradeshow, networking, you know joint venture, you know cold call, live event, six… look RodeDog, what you got to do, is you got to pick one and just bloody go all in and just do it. Stop being so intimidated is when I would say the average coach about lead gen of everything you do in coaching, it’s probably the most scientific, right? It’s the fulfillment of the coaching that takes all the time, the lead gen. It’s hard to put your airplanes on the ground, you got to get that airplane up to 10,000 feet, and then it becomes so, so, so much easier. But don’t be intimidated by just bloody, it’s just a function of what you got to do. So there you go shoots.

RodeDog  58:31

All right, I’m not going to ask you what the one thing is because you just gave us like six. So the one thing I’m gonna say, folks, is pick one. Pick one of those and run with it, like full on sprint. And remember to quote Karl Bryan, you don’t have to be Madonna. So there you go. Who listens to Madonna these days like dude that she’s like, come on, we gotta you got to pick Biebs or somebody, you know, like, we got to pick somebody a little bit more relevant. Perhaps.

Karl Bryan  59:02

I’m so in love with that girl when I was young, it was just, you’re saying I can’t even. I can’t. I can’t even I love…

RodeDog  59:09

Story for another time, folks. So there you go. They’re registered beautician himself, Karl Bryan, who had a love romance with the one and only Madonna only in his mind, of course. But anyways, listen, everybody thanks for tuning in to another episode of business coaching secrets. If you’re not on the inside and getting access to the pre show or you aren’t getting Karl’s daily emails, or you just want more information on the access of all this stuff that Karl keeps alluding to when it comes to the software and the programs and all of that stuff go to and, and subscribe today, and get on that list. And again if you enjoyed the podcast, please share, please rate, please review, do all the things to help us become the rockstars that Karl believes that we are and, and that is it for another week, folks. Remember, as I always say every single week progress equals happiness. Take care, buddy. We’ll see you next time.

Karl Bryan built profit acceleration software 2.0 to train business coaches how to find any small business owner more than 100 percent $100,000 in 45 minutes without them spending an extra dollar on marketing or advertising. This becomes a business coach’s superpower. So as a business coach, you’ll never again have to worry about working with business owners that can’t afford your high-end coaching fees. Check us out at You may also see our Business Coaching Secrets with Karl Bryan: Best Advice For Young Business Coach + How Much Staff Is Too Much .