Tee up

In business, “tee up” means to prepare something for someone else to take over or to make an introduction or set the stage for something to happen. This term is often used in meetings, presentations, or negotiations to indicate that one person is setting up the next person to continue the discussion or move things forward. For example, a presenter may tee up a colleague to discuss a particular aspect of a project or an executive may tee up a proposal to be presented to the board of directors. Teeing up can help ensure that transitions are smooth and that the conversation stays on track.

A business coach might encourage a client to “tee up” a project by preparing key stakeholders with relevant information and context ahead of a crucial meeting. For instance, before pitching a new product to potential investors, a coach may advise the client to tee up the pitch by sharing preliminary market research, establishing credibility, and highlighting the unique features of the product. This can increase the chances of success and lead to a more productive and focused discussion during the actual pitch meeting.


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1. To prepare or set up a situation or opportunity for future action or success. 2. To introduce or bring up a topic or issue for discussion or consideration, often in preparation for a decision or action.

Tee up QUOTE:

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1."Let's tee up this project and hope we don't slice it." 2."I'll tee up the presentation and you hit it out of the park."