Circle the Wagons

Circle the Wagons

Refers to a defensive strategy that involves bringing a team or organization together to protect against a threat or challenge. The phrase originates from the pioneer days in the American West, when groups of settlers would literally form a protective circle with their wagons to defend against attacks. In a business context, “circling the wagons” might involve rallying employees around a common goal, tightening budgets and resources to weather a tough period, or otherwise mobilizing a collective effort to overcome a challenge.

When working with a client who is facing a crisis or challenge in their business, I often advise them to “circle the wagons.” This means gathering their team or key stakeholders together to create a plan of action and build a united front. By working together, sharing ideas and resources, and prioritizing their efforts, they can better weather the storm and emerge stronger on the other side. As a coach, I help them facilitate these conversations and guide them through the process of “circling the wagons” to come out on top.

Circle the Wagons DEFINITION:

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1.To gather and protect resources or employees against a perceived threat or challenge. 2.To come together defensively in response to a perceived threat or challenge.

Circle the Wagons QUOTE:

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1."Circle the wagons: when the going gets tough, the tough get cozy with their colleagues." 2."Whenever I hear 'circle the wagons,' I picture a bunch of office chairs huddled together for a meeting."

Circle the Wagons