
Refers to a point in a process where the flow of work is restricted or slowed down due to a particular task, resource, or constraint. The term is commonly used in production, manufacturing, and supply chain management to describe a point in the process where demand exceeds supply, causing delays and inefficiencies. Bottlenecks can have a significant impact on productivity, quality, and profitability, and identifying and resolving them is crucial for improving overall efficiency and performance.

An example of a bottleneck in business coaching could be a coach who takes on too many clients at once, resulting in delays in delivering the coaching services and a decline in the quality of the coaching provided. This bottleneck could limit the coach’s ability to take on new clients, and ultimately, negatively impact their reputation and ability to generate new business. To avoid such bottlenecks, business coaches need to ensure they have the necessary resources and systems in place to manage their workload effectively.

Bottleneck DEFINITION:

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1.A point in a system where the flow of output is constrained by a limiting factor. 2.A point in a process that limits flow and slows down the entire operation.

Bottleneck QUOTE:

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1."Finding a bottleneck in your business is like finding a traffic jam on your morning commute - frustrating, but fixable." 2."A bottleneck is like a traffic jam in your business - everyone's late, no one's happy, and someone's probably honking."