In the black

In the black

A business term is used to describe a company’s financial situation when it is profitable and has a positive net income. The phrase “in the black” refers to the practice of recording profits in black ink and losses in red ink in financial statements. When a company is “in the black,” it has more revenue than expenses and is not operating at a loss. This is an important milestone for businesses as it indicates financial stability and the ability to invest in growth opportunities.

One example of “in the black” in a business coaching context could be a coach advising their client on how to reduce expenses and increase revenue to achieve profitability. Once the client implements these strategies and starts making a profit, they can say that their business is “in the black.” This term is often used to describe a company’s financial state when it is profitable and has positive net income.

In the black DEFINITION:

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1. A financial term used to describe a profitable or financially healthy business. 2. The accounting practice of recording positive balances in black ink and negative balances in red ink.

In the black QUOTE:

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1."In the black: where the sun is always shining, and the money is always flowing (or at least we hope)." 2."In the black: because nothing screams 'success' like a positive balance sheet and a perfectly crafted spreadsheet."

In the black