
A “boondoggle” is a project, initiative, or expenditure that is wasteful, pointless, or without merit. It may also refer to a project that is intended to serve political or personal interests rather than the public good. Boondoggles are often criticized for their inefficiency, lack of transparency, and failure to achieve meaningful results. In business, boondoggles may take the form of unnecessary or frivolous expenses, overstaffed projects, or misguided initiatives that waste resources and damage the bottom line. Effective management and accountability are key to avoiding boondoggles and ensuring that resources are used wisely and effectively.

In business coaching, a coach may advise against boondoggles when helping a client allocate resources or plan projects. For example, the coach may discourage the client from investing in new technology that has no clear application to the business or overstaffing a project that can be completed with fewer resources. By avoiding boondoggles and focusing on efficient, effective use of resources, the client can achieve their goals and avoid wasting time and money on frivolous projects.

Boondoggle DEFINITION:

Open Toggle
1.A wasteful project, often used for political or personal gain, with little practical value. 2.A wasteful or unnecessary project, typically funded by public money and benefiting special interests.

Boondoggle QUOTE:

Open Toggle
1."Boondoggle: the art of making a project so complicated that it needs its own boondoggle to fix it." 2."Boondoggles are like black holes - they suck in resources and never let go."